Did you feel a rash or itching when you came back from outside? Don’t do it by hand


Cold urticaria occurs in several forms: chronic, acute, congenital, acquired. This, like other allergies, causes many unpleasant sensations: when it tries to defend itself, the body sends a signal to special immune cells, which begin to secrete biologically active substances that cause symptoms.

“For some people, cold damages the skin, face and hands suffer first. A person sees a rash on the skin, feels itchy, and then blisters may appear in the affected areas. Sometimes the rashes also spread to areas open: knees, forearms.

These areas of the body are sensitive to cold because there are few sebaceous and sweat glands here. Of course, these signs alone do not mean that it really is cold urticaria, so it is always necessary to consult a doctor before making a diagnosis, at least remotely, ”advises Aušra Ožiūnienė, Gintarinės pharmacist vaistinė.

It can be a sign of serious illness.

Cold urticaria can occur when immunity is weakened, infectious diseases, high stress, and other allergies occur. This disorder is also caused by chronic diseases such as tonsillitis, thyroid or liver diseases. The pharmacist points out that in some cases it is difficult to determine whether it is a cold urticaria or a simple allergy, so it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if the symptoms afflict the child.

“Cold hives usually occur in winter, but do not go away in summer, for example, if a warmed person bathed in cold water, quickly ate ice cream or drank a cold drink. People with cold urticaria should also be screened for more serious health problems.

The first symptoms of said allergy signal the appearance of certain pathologies, so people should consult a doctor. Without treatment for this allergy, bronchospasm can occur, which is already very dangerous, ”says A. Ožiūnienė.

According to her, you should listen to your body and protect it as much as possible, in addition to not hesitating and consulting with pharmacists as doctors fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to protect yourself against cold hives?

According to A. Ožiūnienė, in order to reduce the unpleasant sensations of allergies, first of all, it is necessary to constantly take care of your skin: wash once a day with alkaline soap and oil cleansers. Apply colorless, colorless, odorless emollients to the skin.

Before opening the door of the house, I would advise to lubricate the open areas of the skin with anhydrous oily ointment or olive oil, which would form a protective film on the surface of the skin. It is also helpful to have hot tea when you go out. No less attention should be paid to clothing. Clothes should be made of natural and warm fabric, it is necessary to wear double gloves, a hat and warm shoes outdoors ”, he recommends.

If a cold afflicts a child, according to the pharmacist, it would be better for parents to make sure that they did not carry the snow without gloves and that the snow did not fall on their face.

“The same rules apply to protect a child from discomfort. Before going out, you should smear his face with an anhydrous fatty ointment that you can find in any pharmacy. A common mistake is to dress children too warm. This should be avoided in order to that the child does not sweat, ”explains A. Ožiūnienė.

It is incurable but manageable

Cold urticaria is relieved with medications – antihistamines, which do not cure allergies, but significantly relieve symptoms and reduce discomfort. Oily creams are also daily companions for the sick.

“You should not buy medicine yourself and self-medicate. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, as it is usually a life-long disease, so treatment is given for a short period of time. If cold urticaria is diagnosed but there is no serious rashes, a simple oily cream is enough for the skin. However, if a rash appears, if it feels itchy, generalized weakness, it is necessary to resort to medical treatment “, emphasizes the pharmacist in the press release.

According to her, it is important to successfully combat your allergies to strengthen your body, for which vitamins C, A, E and PP are perfect. Also, if only allowed by your doctor, it can become a little hard: ventilate the rooms and carefully pour cold water at a temperature of 16-18 ° C.

“Cold urticaria is incurable, but it slows down, so a sick person needs to take great care of their skin, strengthen their immunity and change their eating habits to be healthier. I would advise to leave the fatty and fried dishes, to introduce more raw fruits and vegetables in the diet. I would suggest avoiding citrus fruits, chocolate, and other sweets. It is also important to avoid the weather, too cold water or food and sudden changes in temperature throughout the year, ”says A. Ožiūnienė.
