Will the “healing” water offered by V. Uspaskich also raise money for your children?


The MEP spoke about the supposedly magical water on Christmas weekend via a live broadcast on Facebook. He came up with the idea of ​​selling water, which is said to not only protect against COVID-19, but also cure pre-existing conditions. Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska was quick to warn about the questionable information released by the politician, especially when Lithuania is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus.

Five times more expensive than in the store

The new business plan also raised suspicions among K. Štelmokaitė, a member of the Kėdainiai district council and a representative of the Peasants and Greens Union. The woman, who has a degree in journalism but currently works for the EP, asked to know what was behind this proposal to use “structured mineral water”.

Since several of his acquaintances had already received such water, K. Štelmokaitė asked to send photos of the bottle. The Upas mineral water registered in them is drawn from a well in Rokiškis, and it is also produced by UAB Lamikara, registered in Rokiškis. V.Uspaskich just mentioned the email of this company as “sales department”.

“I find that the old Rokiškis district that works in it (in the company Lamikara – ed. Past.) Mayor Antanas Vagonis has been advertising Upas mineral water (one without the long, the other with the long Ū) on his page from Facebook since this fall, which is produced in Rokiškis from a long-standing mineral water well since this fall.

Several publicationsIn addition to articles in the local press, it is known that the idea of ​​starting a mineral water business in Rokiškis has existed for several decades. UAB Sartai was established in 2006, led by Pranas Blažys (last name heard), but the business did not get involved until then, the aforementioned Lamikara did not take over. Ice cream obviously broke into the small Lithuanian market this fall, along with the well-known names of mineral water came the “Upas” water drawn from the Upo well. It was practically unknown until last night … “

15min and stop shot.  / Viktor Uspaskich

15min and stop shot. / Viktor Uspaskich

When ordering from DP distributors, water will cost several times more than in the store: 1.5 euros per half liter bottle, although in some Rokiškis stores it can be purchased for 0.36 euros. “It just came to our knowledge then. If you want to buy ‘magic water’ at the price of Rokiškis instead of Vyktaras, go to Rokiškis after quarantine, where it is distributed in local stores,” K. Štelmokaitė ironically.

Shareholders – children?

“Why did Victor, famous for eating the virus, choose Upas water for the prevention and treatment of COVID? What fascinated him so much that he was not afraid of being called a charlatan even when it was advertised?

In search of answers, he asked about the founders of Lamikara. “It is a rare fact that the names of three citizens living in Vilnius with Slavic surnames pagooglinus you get no results. Let’s move on, let’s see who the shareholders of UAB Lamikara are right now. And according to the data from the Center of Records, the Edvervita company, registered in Kėdainiai, Didžioji St., owns 90 percent. actions of the company. The next 10 percent. owned by Dalia G.

The people of Kėdainiai know that Edvervita is closely related to V. Uspaskich, the company’s board of directors is headed by Viktoras Gaidamavičius, a longtime comrade and right-hander, who recently resigned from active politics (by the way, J. Gaidamavičius resigned in Kėdainiai District City Council Fiodorova, who, according to Viktor’s announcement, is a “distributor” of water in Kėdainiai).

And so that everything is completely clear to everyone, we asked the Registry Center who the shareholders of Edvervita are – ogi Julia and Eduardas Uspaskichai, Victor’s children from his first marriage, registered in Belarus !!! They own 50 percent each. Share. So the quackery, or an extremely cynical business plan, is taking advantage of people’s fear of not getting COVID-19. “

K.Štelmokaitė concluded his investigation with another rhetorical question: “Is Viktor so financially bad that in the middle of a pandemic, with people dying every day in the world and in Lithuania, he would indulge in such quackery and sell his children’s water to COVID and at the cost of space even with mineral water? “

Photo The price of the water offered by Facebook / Viktor Uspaskich is 1.5 euros per bottle.

Photo The price of the water offered by Facebook / Viktor Uspaskich is 1.5 euros per bottle.

We could not ask V.Uspaskich himself how he or his children relate to the proposed water: he constantly rejects calls. The Lamikara guide is also not available: no one answers when you call the phone number listed on the Internet.

Among the distributors is a group of council members.

As portal 15 minutes Following the pandemic in Lithuania and the start of vaccination, Uspaskich proposed a recovery plan: 24 bottles of water for 36 euros (supposedly “three times cheaper than taking a test in a private clinic”).

During the broadcast, V. Uspaskich did not give details about the composition of the water he mentioned, how exactly it works, what specific substance helps fight the coronavirus. According to him, buyers will receive information on the composition of the water.

“The pandemic is a great challenge not only for Lithuania, but also for the whole world,” wrote E. Dobrovolska on his Facebook account on the social network on Sunday evening. – Lithuania is still in the red zone, the most affected. MEP post as on water, which creates immunity and cures COVID-19, as well as the fact that a member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania is appointed water distributor ”.

Facebook Photo / Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska warned of alleged healing water

Facebook Photo / Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska warned of alleged healing water

Member of the Seimas mentioned by the minister – Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė. His name was among those listed as water distributors after being broadcast on Facebook. The MP herself denied having distributed the water.

Initially, the distributors were listed with names on V. Uspaskich’s account, some even with an address, but then only names and phone numbers remained. Algis Grublys, member of the Pagėgiai City Council, Laura Radzevičiūtė, member of the Alytus City Council, I. Fiodorova, Kęstutis Mačiulis, member of the Joniškis District Council, Jurgis Baublys, member of the Radviliškis District Council, and the Radviliškis district, and Vaidasinia Kuzmarskase were mentioned among the distributors of the distributors. .

This is not the first time the topic of health has been used.

In his recording, K. Štelmokaitė recalled that this is not the first time that V. Uspaskich has sought to profit by manipulating the health issue. “Health is probably the most important topic for people and Victor has repeatedly managed to include it in his political and publicity plan.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Viktor Uspaskich

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Viktor Uspaskich

Here is the last 2019 V. Uspaskich traveled to Lithuania during the EP elections not to discuss the future of Europe, but to invite potential voters to treatment sessions. This time, the “treatment sessions” paid off perfectly: V. Uspaskich was re-elected to the EP and only through his hair did the DP receive a second term.

Or before 2016 MEP V. Uspaskich invited voters who had completely turned their backs on the Seimas elections to the presentation of his new book on diseases and treatment seminars. Although the seminars were well attended and his strange ideas about spiritual centers in Lithuania and Kėdainiai were successfully described in the Republican press, voters did not “link” the “healing powers” of V. Uspaskich to the electoral list of the DP and they did not run for the leader.

Incidentally, the illusion that V. Uspaskich is also running for the Seimas (although it did not happen) was created in a very bold way and became a successful voter bait already in the 2020 election campaign.
