Veryga does not understand how doctors’ wages can fall


“How can they decrease if an institution, working or not, receives the same money? Not even the same, but even magnified! – On Tuesday, the minister told reporters at Seimas. – The money was used to increase wages. So how can they get those lower wages?

Since April, the government has averaged 18 percent. increased doctors’ salaries and set it to 100% for the quarantine period. Supplements for healthcare professionals working with patients with COVID-19.

The leaders of the Medical Movement and the Medical Forum reported on the salaries of some doctors during the pandemic after meeting with the conservative opposition faction on Tuesday.

According to them, the salaries of a large number of doctors have been reduced due to forced self-isolation and inability to work, due to the lack of supplements for additional work and due to the prevention of working in various health care institutions.

Živilė Gudlevičienė, President of the Lithuanian Medical Movement, and Valdas Pečeliūnas, Head of the Lithuanian Medical Forum, stated that a large part of the doctors’ income is lost due to the recommendation of the Minister of Health to organize cycles in various institutions. According to the Minister’s order, the way of organizing the work must guarantee “minimum contacts between employees, the safety of employees and patients, and the traceability of contacts, ensuring the prevention of cross contamination”.

According to medical representatives, this recommendation practically prevents doctors from working in multiple locations because it is not possible to create schedules to maintain the so-called cycle.

R. Veryga, for her part, is convinced that everything depends on the managers of the health care institution.

“Those problems are not everywhere, it depends a lot on the managers, on the organizing institutions, on how they try to agree, on seeing flexibly where the doctors can work and how to program them.” Goodwill, humanity and services must be provided everywhere, “the minister told reporters at Seimas on Tuesday.

“If we want to help patients, if patients really care, practical solutions can be found. If an employee cannot earn elsewhere, can the employer pay him the same allowance and organize more work hours?

Veryga recalled that the decision to limit doctors’ access to work in various institutions was due to the fact that the coronavirus is mainly spread in medical institutions, and the migration of doctors contributes to this.

“The outbreaks remain in the medical facilities,” he said.

According to the minister, COVID-19 outbreaks in medical institutions also refute the argument that protective measures are used to protect doctors and patients.

“There are so many personal protective equipment that the institutions do not find much place to put them. (…) We also agreed the levels, we made them higher than required by international organizations, we take into account the wishes of the community that we should Be more careful than recommended by international experts, we provide you with tools – what else does the ministry need to do to finally start using those tools? ”A. Veryga asked rhetorically.

He said he understood the risks posed by the situation at the treatment facilities.

According to the minister, therefore, he decided that if the institutions do not renew the services scheduled before June 8, they will no longer be paid a twelfth of the income per month.

“You will be paid for the fact, for the services rendered,” he said.

“We are not asking for an update, 100%, because it is not realistic. But to avoid starting to provide services, what else is needed? Do you not have doctors?” The Minister of Health was outraged
