Heading into the New Year, the movement restrictions will remain the same, with changes to be addressed at a later stage.


After the SESC meeting, Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė and Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla held a press conference.

Even before that, the minister said that until now very little time had passed to assess whether the current quarantine restrictions were sufficient, but it was clear that they were necessary and that disease rates were still catastrophically high.

Also, we have a long New Years weekend. This is a period in which movement in the country is likely to increase again. Although we strongly recommend that you stop taking unnecessary trips and stay home, the Christmas weekend has shown that people do not always follow movement restrictions, ”said A.Bilotaitė.

There are no conclusions yet

After the meeting, the Minister said that two issues were discussed: the epidemiological situation of COVID-19, the review was presented by the Ministry of Health (SAM) and proposals for COVID-19 management measures were presented.

We have made the decision to abandon the current procedure, which is provided for in the Government Resolution, and decide on new actions already after the holidays, at the beginning of January, – said A.Bilotaitė.

“After listening to the information from SAM, we realized that it is possible to assess the impact of the measures at this time, because it is still difficult to predict because the information is not accurate. The most accurate predictions will be available in early January, when trends in disease numbers and clear correlations between disease and limitations become clearer.

Taking into account this and the information on the mobility of people, which has decreased significantly, which is gratifying that the measures, work restrictions and people staying at home, are less mobile, we decided to maintain the current order in the resolution of the Government at the beginning of the year, when it will be possible to clearly evaluate that information on diseases and the correlation with our measures, ”said A.Bilotaitė.

VIDEO: Agnė Bilotaitė and Renatas Požėla – on movement restrictions during the New Year

Currently, the Government Resolution stipulates that the restrictions on circulation are valid until January 3, so this procedure is maintained. After this day, the numbers will be clearer, allowing us to decide in which direction to go.

Press photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Press conference of Agnė Bilotaitė and the Lithuanian Police Commissioner, General Renatas Požėla.

Press photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Press conference of Agnė Bilotaitė and the general commissioner of the Lithuanian Police Renatas Požėla.

Whether the movement restrictions will be extended or relaxed anyway will depend on the numbers, the minister said. It is said that if people follow the restrictions and the diseases begin to decrease, then the solution will be the same, but if the same trends continue, then it will be different.

The Minister also spoke about the fact that arrangements will be made for meetings in public places, as noted. “It was decided to ask the municipalities to take certain measures, possibly in cooperation with the police, to avoid this possible concentration in public places. We hope to listen and during the festive period that awaits us, we will be able to act responsibly, ”said A.Bilotaitė.

When asked to assess the fact that President Gitanas Nausėda’s daughter returned from abroad to the parents’ home before the holidays, the Interior Minister was cautious: “First, the assessment is. Apparently, the self-determination of each person, each family, knowing that the situation in Lithuania is so difficult that Lithuania leads in terms of number of diseases.

Returning here to Lithuania means that there is a high risk of getting sick and having health problems. And knowing the really difficult situation in our healthcare system, I would suggest evaluating those things, the potential risks. “

Nearby murders mentioned

R. Požėla said that the long weekend was very intense for the police, as well as all the time we have tightened the quarantine. He said he could confidently state that the bans were in effect, with surveillance systems installed on the country’s main highways from December 15-25. recorded a traffic reduction of 80%.

And quite a few people flock to those public spaces at once. We can see that people are there without masks, they wear them irregularly, they flock to it, there was definitely a problem here for the long weekend.

“What is worrying and what we will pay attention to during the New Year period is the gathering of people in public places, that is, in those places that are suitable for rest and recreation: parks, beaches. Seeing that the prohibitions prohibit the people go to other municipalities, they look for public spaces for active recreation. And quite a few people flock to those public spaces at the same time. We see that people are without masks, they wear them irregularly, they flock, there was definitely a problem here for the long weekend.

Frozen bodies of water also contributed. We have not only seen ice fishing enthusiasts fish, but also other people, many of whom got on the ice and violated quarantine requirements. We will definitely pay attention to this in the New Year, ”said the Police Commissioner General.

He argued that he did not mean that the parks or the beaches should be closed, say, the Vingis Park or the entrances to the Green Lakes, which would not be logical. It would be more a question of organizing the work of the officials themselves, with the help of the municipalities to ensure that there is no concentration.

He also mentioned that during the long weekend there were four murders, which, according to preliminary data, are associated with conflicts in a private space or in a close environment.

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Renatas Požėla

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Renatas Požėla

Cases of domestic violence were recorded in a similar way to how it was recorded a year ago, the commissioner said.

Will suggest turning off the fir

In preparation for next weekend, as R. Požėla said, the police will contact the municipalities. According to him, there should be no centralized fireworks, in order to prevent people from choosing, perhaps on New Year’s Eve urban fir trees should also be put out in public places. Fir trees must be fenced so that people do not go.

The police also promise drunkenness checks that will be carried out intensively. They will also be held at checkpoints. 151 drunk drivers were arrested over the weekend.

A.Bilotaitė agreed with the General Police Commissioner regarding the municipalities – she stated that it would be advisable for all municipalities to seek solutions on how to ensure compliance with the restrictions – not to meet in public places.

“There are certain trends that in some municipalities, in some places we see more problems, in any case we are going to serve all municipalities,” said the minister.

Decisions on flight bans, as the Interior Minister said, will monitor the situation, coordinate positions with neighboring countries and monitor practices throughout the European Union. Flights to Great Britain are banned until January 1.

Almost 16.5 thousand. cars

According to the BNS, the strengthening of control of movements between municipalities at Christmas checkpoints has not left more than 16 thousand people since Christmas Eve. cars. “As of Wednesday, 16,485 thousand. Cars, and only on Sunday, 3470 cars,” Ramūnas Matonis, spokesman for the Police Department, told BNS on Monday.

VIDEO: Completion of the block station operating on the Nemenčinė highway

According to him, during this holiday weekend 525 protocols were drawn up for non-compliance with quarantine requirements, 50 of them for traffic violations between municipalities.

Since mid-December, when a traffic ban between municipalities was introduced, officials at checkpoints have handed over 31,000. vehicles and developed 953 protocols for non-compliance with quarantine requirements. People are often punished for having contacts with more than one family farm.

However, R. Matonis stated that automobile traffic on the country’s main highways decreased by almost 80%. than in the same period last year.
