Cardiologist at the Santara Clinics: Thrombosis is one of the most dangerous complications of COVID-19. What to do? | Lifetime


Most of the increased number of deaths was due to diseases of the circulatory system, which account for more than half of all causes of death in Lithuania. It is believed that a certain number of coronavirus deaths may be hidden under the higher death toll.

Cardiologist, Santara Clinics of Vilnius University Hospital Milda Kovaitė He regretted that many people do not appreciate the insidiousness of the coronavirus, they think it is just a cold, but the disease can cause a lot of harm to health. In a series of studies on the effects of this coronavirus in chronic patients, scientists believe that proper control of blood flow is as important as strengthening immunity. Thrombosis is one of the most dangerous complications of COVID-19, according to researchers.

Personal file photo Cardiologist Milda Kovaitė

Personal file photo Cardiologist Milda Kovaitė

– What is the impact of COVID-19 infection on cardiovascular disease?

– It has been observed that some patients with coronavirus infection die from complications of thrombosis. There are several mechanisms that lead to the development of venous thrombosis, as well as arterial thrombosis, although they are less frequent.

According to various studies, around 20-30% of patients treated in hospital for coronavirus infection are at risk of thrombosis, and resuscitation studies have shown an even higher risk of thrombosis of around 50%.

Even the blood vessels in the lungs can form clots. This indicates that the coronavirus causes a dangerous prothrombotic condition.

– How important is this conclusion of the scientists?

– For some time, it was thought that the coronavirus attacks lung tissue more, affecting the alveoli of the lungs. Studies have shown that it can also damage endothelial cells, which is the inner lining of the blood vessel walls.

Coronavirus infection causes a general inflammatory reaction in the body, which activates the clotting system and increases the risk of blood clots forming in the blood vessels. This usually occurs in the veins (deep vein thrombosis of the legs) and eventually these thrombi can travel with the blood flow to the blood vessels in the lungs. When they become clogged, there is an even greater lack of oxygen.

Some patients have been observed to develop disseminate intravascular coagulation, which is another bleeding disorder. During this disorder, clots form in some blood vessels and bleed in others, leading to the depletion of clotting factors.

Therefore, all patients with coronavirus infection admitted to the hospital are treated with a prophylactic dose of anticoagulants from the first days, and this treatment can be continued when the patients are discharged home.

To date, researchers are debating what doses of blood thinners should be administered when COVID-19 infection is detected.

One of the natural alternatives for the prevention of circulatory disorders and thrombosis is natatinase, an enzyme extracted from fermented soybeans. Compared to other anticoagulants and fibrinolytics, nattokinase does not cause side effects, it is easily absorbed from the intestine. There are countries where natoxinase is even included in the treatment regimens of anesthesiologists.

Can the research results be applied in clinical practice?

– Every study is important. We now know that all patients who are hospitalized for COVID-19 infection must receive blood thinners.

And it is important for GPs that patients discharged from the hospital are monitored more closely. It also happens that a person has a COVID-19 infection, is discharged from the hospital and dies suddenly, and one of the reasons is a thromboembolic complication. In this way, the coronavirus increases cardiovascular mortality.

Do some people think that the coronavirus behaves like the flu virus because it also causes colds?

– Influenza is not associated with thrombosis. Influenza causes viral pneumonia (like coronavirus, which directly affects lung tissue cells in alveolocytes).

Flu can also damage heart muscle cells and cause acute heart failure. This complication is also associated with increased mortality, especially among the young.

The coronavirus, meanwhile, is more dangerous in the elderly, especially those with various chronic diseases. However, we can never guarantee that a child infected with a coronavirus will not die. The coronavirus also causes thromboembolic complications in people of working age.

The saddest thing is that we do not know what awaits the relapse of the COVID-19 infection, what the possible consequences may be, and such data has not yet been collected.

It is obvious that due to massive morbidity, the coronavirus infection in Lithuania also increases the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, as well as mortality.

There will be more complicated heart attacks, there will be neglected conditions; only these results will become clear when the pandemic begins to subside. The number of patients with other chronic diseases will also increase and their condition will worsen.

The saddest thing is that we do not know what awaits the relapse of the COVID-19 infection, what the possible consequences may be, and such data has not yet been collected.

What are the benefits of herbal preparations?

– There are several enzymes in the human body that are responsible for blood clotting, but there is only one: plasmin, which breaks down the insoluble blood protein fibrin (in some cases, fibrin is useful, for example, a wound could not heal without fibrin).

Plant substances have also been shown to degrade fibrin well. Nato kinase, for example, in the 1980s, the Japanese scientist Hiroyuki Sumi demonstrated that nato kinase is capable of breaking down fibrin through a process similar to plasmin in the human body, but the effect of nato kinase is approximately four times greater.

Although clinical trials with natatinase and COVID-19 are still lacking, more and more physicians and researchers are proposing to use natatinase as a means of reducing complications from COVID-19.

Conventional thrombolytics are injectable, short-lived, and cause side effects, making them unsuitable for long-term prophylaxis of thrombosis, and natatinase could improve the clinical prognosis of patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases.

During quarantine, many people are forced to abandon an active lifestyle? What do cardiologists advise?

– The problem is that quarantine has led to many severe restrictions, and sitting and immobility are just as dangerous for blood vessels as other risk factors, such as obesity.

A healthy lifestyle, weight correction, a balanced diet – this is very important during quarantine. We cannot afford to relax.

Investing in yourself during quarantine means exercising, exercising, preventing muscle tension, and taking care of your blood circulation. If we sit for most of the day, we don’t move much, blood flow slows down solely due to immobility, and clots form more quickly as blood flow decreases.

Photo by / In old age, a large part of the pension is spent on medicines

Photo by / In old age, a large part of the pension is spent on medicines

People with reduced mobility should enrich their diet with active ingredients that reduce the risk of blood clots.

– Is it necessary to take care of your blood flow if you have a suspected coronavirus infection or a positive test?

– If an infected person is treated at home, it is useful to enrich the body’s reserves not only with vitamins and minerals for immunity, but also with the enzyme natatinase. We must all work to prevent the development of a serious form of COVID-19 infection and the risk of blood clots.

Meanwhile, aspirin and blood thinners are not recommended for patients if they are not receiving hospital treatment. Not that a person has thought of some time to take aspirin tablets and everything will be fine. There should be a clear indication of when aspirin can be used. This can only be decided by a doctor.

Antioxidants are also necessary for good blood circulation, and one of the strongest is the hydroxytyrosol in olive oil. Hydroxytyrosol not only neutralizes free radicals but also strengthens the body’s antioxidant systems.

Laboratory studies have shown the antiviral activity of hydroxytyrosol, a small polyphenolic molecule that has been shown to successfully inhibit a variety of influenza virus strains, as well as agents of avian and swine influenza.

Another important tip in case of coronavirus infection is not to stop taking the drug if it has been prescribed by a cardiologist. In case of coronavirus infection, treatment of cardiovascular disease results in better survival.
