Rail Baltica is looking for a contractor to build the longest railway bridge in the Baltic countries Business


“The railway bridge over the Neris is the most technically complex engineering structure in the construction of the Rail Baltica railway. It will be the longest bridge not only in Lithuania, but also in the Baltic countries. Another engineering challenge is that there will be no support in the water, so this job will be a really serious challenge for the selected bridge construction contractor, ”says Karolis Sankovski, CEO of LTG Infra.

The total length of the new bridge will reach 1,510 meters. Until now, the longest bridge in Lithuania was the Lyduvėnai railway bridge, built in Dubysa, with a length of 599 m, and the longest bridge for cars was a bridge built over the Nemunas near Jurbarkas, with a length of 494 m .

LTG Infra visualization / Neris Bridge

LTG Infra visualization / Neris Bridge

The longest distance of the new bridge between the supports, at the point where it will cross the river, will reach 150 meters.

Under the contract, the contractor that won the bid will not only have to build a bridge, but also clean up the environment, install noise-suppressing walls, rebuild the nearby water supply and other engineering networks, and rebuild drainage structures.

LTG Infra visualization / Neris Bridge

LTG Infra visualization / Neris Bridge

The new bridge will be part of a completely new 1435mm wide Rail Baltica span between Kaunas and the Lithuanian-Latvian border in Lithuania.

Rail Baltica is the largest railway infrastructure project in the history of the Baltic countries, which will include the construction of an electrified European double-track railway line from Warsaw through Kaunas and Riga to Tallinn.

LTG Infra photo / Neris bridge location

LTG Infra photo / Neris bridge location

The total length of the Rail Baltica railway line in the Baltic countries is 870 km: in Lithuania – 392 km, in Latvia – 265 km, in Estonia – 213 km.

The construction of the project, with an estimated value of around 5.8 billion. It is the largest investment to improve mobility and travel, business, tourism and trade opportunities in the region.
