The Christmas checks ended: some passed them only with marriage certificates, others had enough photos on the phone


Thanks for the work. You are free, stay healthy. Thus, on Sunday evening, a couple of policemen from the capital said goodbye to three Lithuanian shooters who had assisted them near Nemenčinė, on the Pabradė – Vilnius road, at a former checkpoint.

The blockpost ran here until Sunday night, almost 9pm

During the last hour of the checkpoint, here the work of the inspectors and 15 minutes.

Two police officers working on the Nemenčinė highway and three shooters assisting them mentioned that the peak of the inspected vehicle was at noon on Sunday. At night, the flow of people returning to the capital decreased and at night the vehicles were already alone.

Several dozen drivers or crews went to the capital without serious business, so they had to turn around in Nemenčine and return, or look for illegal detours. At that time, thousands of other road users easily overcame the tasks of the blockade. Some even had to show a marriage certificate that a husband or wife was waiting for them in Vilnius. For others, photos on a mobile phone taking photos of property, rent, work, or other legal documents were sufficient. In other words, the data provided in any form about the property, permanent residence or workplace in Vilnius suited the inspectors: after a few seconds or, in the worst case, a couple of minutes of explanations, the people could continue their journey.

Aggregate statistics of drivers who took different directions on Sunday but did not miss is due to be released on Monday. As already announced, on the second day of Christmas, Saturday, due to the current ban on going to other municipalities, more than 3.3 thousand people were not lost at the checkpoints. cars.

Movement control in the country began on December 16, when a total of 250 checkpoints were set up in Lithuania and around 1,500 police officers were used to ensure movement control.

The police organized stationary checkpoints at the entrances to all municipal centers in the country, where the entry of vehicles into the cities was controlled. Part of the accesses are blocked by technical means, where surveillance cameras are installed or prohibition signs are built.

At least two officers worked at each post, and high-traffic posts used police officers, shooters, and military police.

Previously, the following work hours have been published for the blocking of positions, which is relevant during the main holidays of the year:

as of December 23. 1 pm until December 27. 9 pm

from December 31 1 pm until January 3. 9 pm
