The passport became worth gold: a man who did not get out of bed paid 70 euros just for a taxi


Yevgeny Gudanec, disabled, had to change his identity card because the previous document had expired. The man says he knew in advance that the Migration Department also provides home services.

Undoubtedly, this possibility is defined on the website of the Department of Migration. There it is said that if a person due to disability cannot go personally to the territorial division of the Migration Department, an employee of the Migration Department will come to the person’s home after agreeing on the arrival time.

With the mobile biometric data kit, an employee can go to a person’s home and to a healthcare or care facility.

However, according to the man himself, he was told by phone that the Migration Department would not provide such services due to the threat of the coronavirus.

The man was offered to come to the Immigration Department unit after pre-registering.

Here’s a problem. Mr. Gudanec is a disabled person, a man lying in bed, so online registration alone is a problem. And the task of going to a unit seems like an impossible mission at all. The man had to find a special car adapted for the disabled.

“I took a taxi, paid 70 euros, took him out of the house, helped there, brought him back home. I live on the fifth floor, tired men, tired until they led me to the chair, in a word … ”, J. Gudanec tells

Man feels abandoned to the will of destiny. No questions about what to do if you need urgent medical or other services that require an identity document.


Failed due to threat of infection

The Department of Migration says already October 26. changed their activities. It mainly provides electronic services, only customers previously registered live since October and home services have been completely abandoned due to the threat of the coronavirus.

“Given the complexity of the COVID-19 situation, to protect customers and employees from the risk of developing it, it was decided not to provide a mobile home or other mobile service at the same time. It will be renewed after the Government of the Republic of Lithuania facilitates the quarantine conditions or repeals it ”, reads the comment sent by the Migration Department to

The Migration Department also says that even without having an identity document, a person need not worry. Emergency medical care should be provided if necessary.

“The person you mentioned should not fear the right to receive health services without having a valid identity document at this extreme time”, the institutions of the Ministry of Health determine the identity of the person independently. <...> We would consider the fact that a person decided to go and used the taxi services to do so as their personal choice, ”says the letter from the Migration Department.

Migration Department

I had to apply to the municipality

The Office of the Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities sees nothing wrong with the situation and says that the Department of Migration’s refusal to go home with a disabled person is not related to their disability.

According to Izabelė Švaraitė, representative of the Office of the Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities, this is a matter of human security. And due to travel difficulties, according to I. Štaraitė, the disabled person had to apply elsewhere.

“According to the Local Autonomy Law, the integration of people with disabilities in the life of the local community is a function of the municipality. As for the provision of services or reimbursement of expenses, his interlocutor had to previously request it from the administration of the municipality where he lives, ”says I. Štaraitė.

The disabled person says that he did not apply to the municipality because he did not know that it was possible to do so.

Vilnius Municipality

The municipality provides transportation services

The news portal asked the Vilnius city municipality what the disabled person should do in such a case. The municipality says that the disabled person could definitely get the transportation service.

The municipality finances projects of organizations that provide such services to people with disabilities.

If you want to receive transport services for the disabled in Vilnius, you must contact the National Institute for Social Integration (Social Taxi) or the Order of Malta. These two organizations in Vilnius provide transport services for cars adapted for the disabled.

Social taxis can be used by people with disabilities who want to reach their desired destination on their own. Social taxis can also be used by people who need this service only once, for example, when leaving a hospital, tourists, city guests.

Registered users of “Social Taxi” can be residents of Vilnius, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Ukmergė, Utena, Zarasai and Visaginas with disabilities.

Rates and details of social taxis are available here.

Vilnius University Conference

Social support center

These services are also provided by the budgeting institution of the Vilnius City Municipality “Social Support Center”. All people who live in their own home and who cannot move, use public or private transport due to their age, disability or illness and to whom their relatives cannot provide said services, can apply here.

The Social Support Center would take you to or from medical care and rehabilitation institutions in Vilnius, as well as the Disability and Work Capacity Assessment Service, to orthopedic companies in Vilnius.

However, the letter sent by the Vilnius City Municipality indicates that the Social Support Center, according to the evaluation and recommendation of the social worker, would take it for other purposes or outside of Vilnius City.

To receive the transportation service for the first time, 5 business days before the trip, the person must contact the Social Support Officer at 8 5233 3780, 8670 14645 or with the Department of Social Services of their place of residence and complete an application of social services.

It is true that the services of the “Social Support Center” are also paid.

The Social Support Center would take you to the right place, wait no more than an hour and bring you back for € 2.9.

Sent or transported in one direction for 1.74 euros.

If transporting outside of Vilnius, the person requesting the service covers the fuel costs in euros.
