In the Kaunas clinics, the first nurse vaccinated against COVID-19 assured that she feels very well, doctors from 11 hospitals in the region will receive vaccines


In five Lithuanian hospitals (Santara Clinics of Vilnius University Hospital, Kaunas Clinics of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Klaipėda University Hospital, Šiauliai Republican Hospital and Panevėžys Republican Hospital) vaccination starts simultaneously. Sunday, 8 pm in the morning.

Building confidence in science

The Kaunas Clinic broadcasts the start of vaccinations live. You can monitor this process.

The first vaccinated Jolanta Litvinienė, COVID-19 second division chief. a nurse who works there for two months. After the vaccination, she said she felt great and asked for confidence in science.

When J.Litvinienė came to fill out the documents, he went to the vaccination room, where they asked him if he had not had a fever in recent weeks and if he may have had allergic reactions to other vaccines.

Just the usual vaccination procedure, the puncture is short, painless, everything is fine.

“Great,” J. Litvinienė smiled after the vaccination and asked how he felt. “It’s just a normal vaccination procedure, the puncture is short, painless, that’s fine.”

He did not hide the fact that now it will be easier to work, at least psychologically: “But we will do everything we have done so far: the same protection, we will wear masks, we will go to patients in overalls, because it takes time for the vaccine to work” . 17 d.

The nurse is convinced that this vaccine is like a Christmas miracle for the medical community as a means of managing this massive and global pandemic.

“We have to trust science, a great team of scientists who developed the vaccine tested it. We are in the 21st century, we really should trust science, ”said J. Litvinienė, the first nurse to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine in the Kaunas clinics.

She made no secret of her pride in being the first, as well as her joy that her colleagues working with COVID-19 patients can finally be safe.

About 400 Kaunas doctors are scheduled to be vaccinated on Sunday.

He received about 3,000. dose

The Kaunas Clinic received the first COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. On Sunday morning, the first employees of Kaunas Clinics and LSMU Kaunas Hospital, who work on the front lines and have the highest risk of infection, will be vaccinated. According to the representatives of the clinics, these are the employees of the COVID-19 department, department of intensive care and resuscitation, emergency department, obstetrics and gynecology, radiology clinics, who work on the front line.

Almost 3,000 were received for the Kaunas region. dose of vaccines.

Vaccines are stored in special freezers with a temperature down to -80 degrees. It is very important that this vaccine maintains a cold chain, and the Kaunas clinics have the necessary conditions: specially adapted equipment and premises.

After the first vaccines, the Managing Director of Kaunas Clinics prof. skilled. Dr. Renaldas Jurkevičius and the first vaccinated employee of the Kaunas clinics will give a press conference.

The director was glad that vaccines were finally released for doctors who are on the most difficult and dangerous front lines. “It is a great party for us, we have been waiting for it for a long time. For a long time, people worked with the belief that we would finally reach the moment where we could begin to believe that in this war we have reached a place where advancement it is probably a vaccine, we will all be safer and safe from this disease step by step, ”said R. Jurkevičius.

On Monday, vaccination will begin at all 11 hospitals in the Kaunas region, where COVID-19 patients are treated. According to the head of the Kaunas clinics, he will not have data on how many hospital doctors want to be vaccinated, how many refused, because no such survey was conducted.

Doctors are scheduled to be vaccinated with available vaccines within three days: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. If not keeping up, then Wednesday.

“There are different people, but research has shown that these vaccines are safe, the side effects are the same as with other vaccines. I can only urge everyone to get vaccinated, because only then will Lithuania be safe, not only will we protect ourselves, but also others, ”urged R. Jurkevičius.

On Sunday, the Kaunas clinics will vaccinate the doctors at the Kaunas clinics and LSMU Kaunas Hospital, and starting Monday, the doctors will be vaccinated at the hospitals in the region where they work. These will be Marijampolė, Šakiai, Vilkaviškis, Kaišiadorys, Jonava, Prienai and others. hospitals.

R. Jurkevičius stated that those who have been vaccinated should also be vaccinated, only this will be done later for objective reasons; So far there are very few vaccines, but it is said that as soon as the possibilities arise, those who have been vaccinated will also be vaccinated.

When asked which physician would be vaccinated first, the director said the priorities had been derived from SAM, which should be used to develop lists of personnel to be vaccinated first.

You will need two vaccines

It is planned to vaccinate the first batch with almost 10,000. All Lithuanian doctors, all doses will be used for individuals, leaving no reservation for the second dose.

Vaccinations will need to be repeated after three weeks to develop immunity to the coronavirus. Because the second dose will be given 21 days after the first dose, it will be given to physicians on subsequent shipments.

Not only will physicians in the top 5 hospitals be vaccinated, but a total of 28 hospital medical staff will be vaccinated.

Took to lithuania

The first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine, jointly developed by BioNTech and Pfizer, arrived in Lithuania on the night of December 25. to December 26, approximately at 3 pm 15 minutes. in the morning. Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys said at a press conference on Saturday that this marks the beginning of a significant new phase in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Jurgita Grebenkovienė, Chancellor of the Ministry of Health (SAM), a total of 9,750 doses of vaccine have arrived in Lithuania: ten boxes of 975 doses of vaccine.

VIDEO: The COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in Lithuania: the latest information was presented at a press conference

The vaccine received from the Lithuanian border was accompanied by the police and Aro forces. J.Grebenkovienė assured that these security measures were taken taking into account the reports about possible actions and attacks that appeared in other countries. Although there were no specific threats in Lithuania, it was decided to take all security measures to prevent incidents.

Read more here: COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in Lithuania, second shipment expected this year.

VIDEO: First shipment of COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in Lithuania – see what its delivery looked like

VIDEO: COVID-19 Vaccines Delivered at Panevysžys Republican Hospital

The central hospitals in the Vilnius and Kaunas regions reached about 3,000 each. the first batch of vaccine doses, Central Hospital of the Klaipeda Region – about 2 thousand. vaccine doses, Šiauliai and Panevėžys regional central hospitals – about 1 thousand each. dose.
