The COVID-19 vaccine is already in Panevėžys: it has been announced which doctors will be vaccinated first


Guarded by special services

The Minister of Health, Head of State Emergency Operations at the state level, Arūnas Dulkys announced that the first BioNTech and Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 has already arrived in Lithuania.

The vaccine shipment crossed the Lithuanian border in the evening from Friday to Saturday at 3.15. Two police teams and an Aro car began patrolling the border with Lithuania, a special transport carrying vaccines.

The minister reaffirmed that, as scheduled, vaccination will begin on Sunday in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys hospitals at 8 pm in the morning.

Will be vaccinated voluntarily

A. Skorupskas, director of the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys, explained that according to the approved plan, employees working in COVID-19 wards will be vaccinated first: doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, aides and other employees, employees who work in Resuscitation and Intensive Care. and staff from other departments who are at increased risk of contact with COVID-19 patients.

“Vaccination is voluntary, but we must realize that it is a very important reality in this difficult pandemic and a great opportunity to protect ourselves and others from the insidious and growing infectious disease COVID-19. This vaccine is the best vaccine. from St. A Christmas present for the employees of our hospital, ”says A. Skorupskas.

Two hours in the freezer

The Chancellor of the Ministry of Health, Jurgita Grebenkovienė, reported that the imported vaccines were kept in the freezer for two hours, then loaded into two vehicles, which took them to hospitals.

This first batch of coronavirus vaccine will be delivered to doctors. According to the Chancellor, the counties of Vilnius and Kaunas will receive 3,000. vaccine doses, Klaipėda county – about 2 thousand, and Šiauliai and Panevėžys – about 1 thousand. dose.

They were divided according to the number of inhabitants, doctors and patients in the region. The numbers are constantly changing

The BioNTech and Pfizer vaccine is the first and so far the only one authorized in the European Union (EU), and the European Commission authorized its distribution on Monday, when it was recommended by the European Medicines Agency.

After the vaccination of doctors working in healthcare institutions in Lithuania, in the second stage, vaccines will be administered to employees and patients of medical institutions providing supportive care and nursing services.

Earlier it was announced that the first shipment should reach Lithuania in almost 10 thousand. vaccines, but the Lithuanian authorities stated that information on future volumes was constantly changing. A. Dulkys hopes that if the vaccine supply is not interrupted, it will be possible to vaccinate several thousand doctors and people at risk each week.
