A.Veryga: quarantine can end or continue regardless of established criteria


The latest information on the coronavirus was presented at a press conference on Monday by the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga and the Head of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) Rolanda Lingienė.

VIDEO: A.Veryga: Quarantine can continue even if the established criteria are met

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has stated that the quarantine in Lithuania will end when:

  • The total morbidity of 100 thousand. the population will not change in fourteen days.
  • Of all inspections, no more than half a percent of positive cases.
  • No more than five import cases per week.
  • The fourth, that at least 90 percent. the new cases would be related to existing local hot spots.

According to the Minister of Health, Lithuania still does not meet the last criterion.

“We have data for May 29. Four criteria were approved. This is an overall morbidity rate that fell from 5.9 to 5.3 at the time of the decision. So the dynamics is good, right? One of the troublesome criteria is that at least 90 percent The new cases detected during the week would be related to localized and managed outbreaks.

I would like to remind you that they (criteria, ed.) Are, of course, indicative. It does not necessarily mean that the government will absolutely follow them.

When the criteria were adopted, it was 95.1 percent, and on day 29 – 85.19. This means that there have been more cases of non-localized outbreaks. This is the only criterion that has deteriorated during the week. The percentage of new cases detected was 0.22 and fell to 0.16% on day 29.

The last criterion is that there were no more than five import cases, there were 4 cases both on the 22nd and the 29th, ”said A. Veryga.

However, the minister says that even if all the criteria are met, the quarantine may still be irrevocable.

“I would like to remind you that they (criteria, ed.) Are, of course, indicative. It does not necessarily mean that the government will absolutely follow them. They are there to monitor, assess the situation and see in which direction we are moving, so three of the four criteria they are improving, ”said A. Veryga.

According to him, the criteria were established because the public had questions about when the quarantine could be lifted.

“Decisions can be, well, such that quarantine can be waived even if those criteria are not met,” the minister explained.

Minister A.Veryga assured that from now on, municipalities with morbidity above the national average will be announced on Mondays. This Monday, there are six of these municipalities in Lithuania: Vilnius city, Vilnius district, Ignalina, Šalčininkai, Lazdijai and Skuodas districts.

Coronavirus testing will be more abundant here, especially in the search for asymptomatic cases.

Relieves self-insulating conditions

A representative of the NVSC assured that to prevent the chain of the disease, the most important thing is to find contact persons and to investigate and isolate them.

However, from now on, those with low risk exposure, who return from abroad and have self-isolation will be able to go out and walk a radius of one kilometer around the house. It is forbidden to go alone to meeting places, shops.

The Minister questioned whether the same procedure would apply to those who had contact with the sick. However, the doubt was dispelled by a representative of the NVSC.

“This will definitely not apply to people who have had a high-risk exposure,” said R. Lienienė.

Permission to leave the house for disabled and people who are currently in isolation, because, according to the head of the NVSC Vilnius department, the orders are not valid backwards.

Children will need health certificates.

According to the minister, there are no plans to eliminate the need for schools and kindergartens to require children’s health certificates. R.Veryga assured that he does not intend to reject certificates, therefore, now is the best time to take care of them.

The minister assured that health care facilities are now being closely monitored and that those who will not resume services by next Monday will not be guaranteed 1/12 of financing.

R. Lingienė assured that the coronavirus outbreak was controlled in Kaunas Clinical and Klaip Klada University, Klaipėda Hospital, Kartena Nursing Hospital and Senevita hospitals.

Three new cases: in Vilnius

The three new coronavirus cases were confirmed in Vilnius, healthcare institutions, BNS was approved by NVSC on Monday.

“One case is related to the Santara clinics: a person close to the employee became ill, as well as a nurse from Vilnius Republican Psychiatric Hospital and an assistant nurse from Vilnius Republican University Hospital became infected,” said Rolanda Lingienė, Director of the Department from NVSC Vilnius.

According to her, in a psychiatric hospital, the employee’s illness was determined during a preventive examination, and eight colleagues had contact with the infected person.

The hospital reported that all potential contacts with the employee have been identified and remain self-isolated, and additional testing has been conducted on ward staff and patients. Currently, there are already responses from the first samples to patients, all negative.

After assessing the situation and condition of patients, the ward continues to provide mental health care services and actively monitors the condition of patients.

The total number of infected people is 1,678, the health ministry said Monday.

There are still 363 infected, 1236 have recovered, a total of 70 people have died from coronavirus and another nine have died from other causes.

The 1995 coronavirus studies were conducted in Lithuania per day, their total number being 304,000. 854.

Hospitals currently treat 64 patients, including three in the resuscitation and intensive care units, one patient is treated with artificial lung ventilation, and 18 patients are treated with oxygen masks.
