3,799 new cases of coronavirus were detected on Wednesday


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

During the last day, 3,799 new cases of coronavirus were detected, which is the highest number of cases to date, Lithuania Statistics reported on Thursday.

Recovered 43 mons from coronavirus per day and recovered from COVID-19 4,572 mons.

The number of people with coronavirus is 61,553.

Since the death of the coronavirus in the past 43 months, one coronavirus was in the 3039 age group, four were in the 5059 age group, and the others were older.

Mainly in Vilnius county

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that the highest number of 1,139 cases is registered in Vilnius County. 842 cases of coronavirus were recorded in Kaunas County, Klaipda 378, Panevio 377, iauli 290, Utena 224.

A further 188 cases of infection were confirmed in Alytus, 158 in Marijampolė, 99 in Teli, and 72 in Taurags counties. 32 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information.

Currently 1,678 cases have been epidemiologically diagnosed and 2,121 cases have entered the NVSC system in the late afternoon or evening, which is why they are being investigated Thursday.

In cases where the circumstances of the person’s infection were not timely, that is, people did not occur and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19, currently 224 are recorded.

Outbreaks in nursing homes

53 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection have been associated with an outbreak at the Jasiuliki welfare home in Ukmergs district. Since the beginning of December, a total of more than 160 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded.

Another 33 cases of infection were recorded at the Didvyi nursing home in Vilkavikis district, where the infection was confirmed in 31 residents and two employees. A total of 43 COVID-19 cases are currently associated with the outbreak.

25 new cases of coronavirus infection have been linked to an outbreak in Aknysta social care homes in Anyki district. There are currently 145 COVID-19 cases associated with the outbreak in the past two weeks.

Thirteen cases of infection were recorded at the Dseiki welfare home in Teli district yesterday, with a total of more than 200 cases of coronavirus infection associated with the outbreak. Another 12 cases of contagion, confirmed on Wednesday, are related to the outbreak at the Uvenis branch of the Lioli social residence operating in the Kelms district, as well as 12 cases of the outbreak in the long-term and geriatric treatment center .

The newly identified cases are also related to outbreaks in the Kapiamiesis care home operating in Lazdij district, Marijampols Suvalkija social care home, Kukarsks care home in the same district, Macik social care home that operates in the iluts district, the Barstyi childcare home in the Skuodas district, the Zaras social care home.

In addition, outbreaks continue in the Marijampol Correctional Center, the Marijampol Correctional Center in the Kybart sector, the Pravieniki Correctional Center.

Outbreak-related infection cases were also recorded at Kaunas Clinic, LSMU Kaunas Hospital, Klaipda Seamen Hospital, Pasvalys Hospital, Bir Hospital, Rokikis Psychiatric Hospital, Taurags Hospital, Teli Regional Hospital.

New cases of monse

On Wednesday, cases of infection were recorded in connection with outbreaks at the meat processing plant, the construction and food industry plants operating in the Vilnius district, the window, textile and sewing manufacturing plants in Marijampolė, as well as at the furniture production facility operating on Kazl Rd.

There were also cases of COVID-19 disease during the last day, associated with raids at the primary plant in Rokikis, dairy plant in Rokikis, furniture production plant in Kupikis, grd processing plant in Plungė, plant in milk processing in Teliai.

COVID-19 cases related to outbreaks were also recorded in Raseini consumer cooperative, uase refinery processing, construction, trade in industrial goods companies. Cases of infection have also been confirmed, evaluated in connection with outbreaks in Kaunas transportation, metal processing, light processing, furniture production plant, Klaipda metal processing plant, Kretinga biofuel production plant, construction plant in Gargdai.

Epidemiological evaluation cases related to outbreaks were also recorded in the Alin Fire Service, the Raseini Disability Employment and Services Center, the Jieznas Eldership District of the Prien District, the Pasvalys Social Services Center, the Municipality of Bir District, the Municipality of Maeiki District.

More than 200 cases have been linked to family outbreaks

234 cases related to familial outbreaks were reported in Lithuania throughout Lithuania.

4,572 months have recovered from COVID-19 last day, and the total number of people with coronavirus is 61,553.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases for individual companies has been 123,889, the number of deaths from coronavirus is 1,186 months, and the number of deaths from coronavirus is 591.

During the past day, 13,913 mini cases were investigated for the presumed coronavirus, 1,559 million since the start of the pandemic.

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