The quarantine led some Lithuanians to spend their holidays abroad


“As soon as the quarantine was tightened, there were immediately more calls to the travel agencies. How many of those orders will there really be? Maybe 5 to 10 percent more than in November. The Christmas period has always been the period when people traveled more because they went with families abroad, on vacation, ”Ž. Gavelienė told BNS.

“If in the past people used to travel for 10 to 14 days at Christmas, now we see that they travel for both a month and longer, during the period for which the quarantine is planned to continue,” he added.

According to Ž. Gavelienė, among the most popular destinations: the Canary Islands, Cyprus, Madeira. Also, traveling to Dubai and Maldives, some choose Jamaica, Seychelles or Mexico.

“Travelers talk about the fact that there are countries much safer than Lithuania, not only because of the COVID-19 situation, but also because there are many outdoor activities allowed and this helps to maintain physical and emotional well-being,” said Ž .Gavelienė.

According to the tour operator Tez Tour, Christmas and the New Year were one of the busiest periods for the tourism business: it coincides with children’s holidays, so the number of travelers has increased significantly and most of the trips they are usually kidnapped a good six months or even a year ago.

Currently, the company flies only to Tenerife, where more than 300 Lithuanians will meet this year.

“Unlike last year, this year the choice of holiday addresses is minimal. With all the security measures in place, charter flights are organized with the only direction of Tenerife. There are no more seats on the planned flights,” said Inga Aukštuolytė, representative of Tez Tour, to BNS.

Novaturas also planned two flights to Tenerife in December. According to the company, interest was high and seats sold out early enough.

According to data from Lithuanian airports, in December, before the beginning of this week, 39.8 thousand passengers were served at the country’s airports. passengers – 12 times less than in December of last year. Most of the passengers flew from Vilnius to Warsaw, Frankfurt and Kiev, from Kaunas to London and Dublin, and from Palanga to Copenhagen.
