Gaižauskas summoned the police to the Seimas for Kasčiūnas: after the inspection it turned out that he did not need to isolate himself


“I called the police about the alleged rape. What example do we set for everyone when we allow self-isolation to be violated in the Seimas?” Dainius Gaižauskas, a “peasant” MP, told reporters on the Seimas on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, during the vote in the Seimas on the adoption of next year’s budget, L. Kasčiūnas worked from the interpreter booth in the plenary hall. He claimed to want to protect his colleagues in this way because he could have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19.

Conditions only for rulers?

Dainius Gaižauskas, member of the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS) faction Delphi He said he had approached the police to assess the situation.

“It just came to our attention then. Seeing that there is a violation I have to inform the police so they can verify this fact, register. Because at this time, when the danger increases, all Lithuanians are asked to concentrate, not to leave home, business and movement stop. For some reason, the members of the Seimas, especially the majority, because some Social Democrats, the peasants sit at home in self-isolation. And here the conditions are created just because they approve the budget, can this be done?

D. Gaižauskas stated that if such behavior of L. Kasčiūnas was approved and allowed by the President of the Seimas, if he did not exceed the powers.

“Here too there may be a violation of the Constitution. The point is that an interpretation of this event must begin. Delphi Mr Gaižauskas spoke.

Laurynas Kasčiūnas

Laurynas Kasčiūnas

© Photo of the Seimas Chancellery (author Olga Posaškova, Džoja Gunda Barysaitė)

The politician recalled that when he raised the question of the presence of L. Kasčiūnas in the Seimas in the Chamber of the Seimas, his other colleagues assured that he was in voluntary self-isolation.

“It just came to our notice then. Especially since he had a close contact and was informed about it, there is no need to wait for an official report from the NVSC,” he explained.

D. Gaižauskas and Seimas raised the question on Tuesday whether L. Kasčiūnas did not violate the conditions of self-isolation.

“Did I understand correctly that Laurynas Kasčiūnas is in self-isolation? And if you are isolated, how can you vote? If you are currently in the House and violate the self-isolation procedure, I ask the President of the Seimas to take urgent action to correct this violation. If the rape is committed intentionally, please contact the police to draw up a protocol, ”said the peasant D. Gaižauskas in the Seimas Chamber.

Kasčiūnas: it was not a contact, it was a situation

Conservative L. Kasčiūnas said that he is in voluntary self-isolation because he was in a situation that represented a risk 6 days ago, last Wednesday.

member of parliament Delphi He explained that after learning that the coronavirus was approved by an adviser to the National Security and Defense Committee (NSGC), he decided to protect his colleagues.

He states that the contact with the infected person was more than 2 meters away, less than 15 minutes.

“I did not have the criteria that NVSC names. I did not have close contact, less than 2 meters away, for more than 15 minutes, I also did not have physical contact. But I was in a situation after which I decided that it was a very risky situation. And it is worth protecting others and others ”, said the parliamentarian.

“There was no direct contact, the man was in his office, there is the same building, possibly connecting corridors,” he said.

L. Kasčiūnas stated that he had received information from the Seimas Chancellery over the weekend that parliamentarians wishing to protect others could vote in a closed booth, by their own decision.

“That is what I call self-isolation: I protect D. Gaižauskas, Remigijus Žemaitaitis and others. And they are attacking me,” said the politician.

“I think they are smart people, they will look at the NVSC (police, aut. P.) database and see that self-isolation is not necessary for me. And then it will probably be necessary to call and say that D. Gaižauskas falsely called the police” , – Delphi L. Kasčiūnas said on Tuesday.

No self-isolation required

The Vilnius County Police confirmed to the SNB that they had received a report that a parliamentarian was violating the self-isolation procedure.

The representative of the Vilnius County Police, Julia Samorokovskaya, confirmed to BNS that at 1:51 p.m. A notification was received that a member of the Seimas was violating the self-isolation procedure.

According to her, upon receiving the report, the officials contacted the specialists of the National Public Health Center (NVSC), who reported that L. Kasčiūnas is not included in the lists of people in self-isolation, so the report is not supported. .

The president of the Seimas calls the accusations of the opposition against the manipulation of L. Kasčiūnas

The manipulation of the president of the Seimas, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, calls the accusations of the opposition to the conservative president of the Committee of Security and National Defense of the Seimas (NSGC), Laurynas Kasčiūnas, that he has violated the rules of self-isolation.

In fact, while acting as Minister of Health at the time, A. Veryga suggested at the board meeting that we could install various pathways for the members of the Seimas that could be subject to self-isolation, I think everything was done well and the reproaches of the opposition: more manipulation. V. Čmilytė-Nielsen commented to reporters on Tuesday.

He also stated that the fact that members of the Seimas behave in a deliberate manner is also demonstrated by the small number of infected Seimas COVID-19 members.

“We have taken several security measures in the Seimas and, as I have said many times, we will be able to vote quickly and remotely. I believe that all Seimas members are aware, they assess the risk themselves and, as we can see in a really small number of sick Seimas members, apparently they do it consciously and appropriately, ”said the president of Seimas.

He confirmed that he would let the police into the parliament building if the crew arrived. The agents were summoned by the “peasant” Dainius Gaižauskas, after the opposition accused L. Kasčiūnas of violating the self-isolation requirements after contact with a person with coronavirus.

Seimas member L. Kasčiūnas told the BNS that he had not received an instruction from the National Center for Public Health to isolate himself due to contact with a COVID-19 infected SeV employee, but on his own initiative the Seimas is trying to get away from his colleagues.

The deputy also said that he had been tested for coronavirus and received a response Tuesday morning that the result was negative.

“I have not received instructions, but I am protecting the members of the Seimas from myself, although last night I did an exam and received a negative answer this morning, despite all this, I am thinking that maybe I was at a distance during the session on Wednesday when there was a contact, or not, and after thinking about the situation, I am in voluntary isolation, ”L. Kasčiūnas told BNS.

He said that he had come to work on foot from Lazdynai, had entered the Seimas through the side entrance and, according to the Chancellery, the conditions had been created to vote separately.

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