Before the big holidays: an important reminder for shoppers Business


“We try to take all possible measures so that the purchases of the visitors of the store are as safe as possible. At the same time, we hope that all those who arrive are aware, properly evaluate the situation and follow the rules of responsible shopping. For our part, we constantly disinfect the store surfaces every day, install Plexiglas partitions in the checkouts, and secure our employees with special insurance, but we understand that we can only resist the spread of the virus with joint efforts, “says E. Dapkienė.

To the store one by one

It is remarkable that several shoppers have started planning their purchases and are preparing for the trip to the store in advance. It is important not only to make a list of necessary purchases, but also to provide the most appropriate time to go to the point of sale. E.Dapkienė advises that it is safest to get the necessary products early in the morning or late at night, because this is when the buyer flows are lower, so a large number of contacts can be avoided.

Last but not least, if circumstances permit, only one family member would go to the store, and if help was needed to bring purchases home, the other family member would wait in the car or outside, a little further from the mall entrance.

“Bringing the necessary products to the store one by one can be challenging. Still, the recommendation remains: shoppers should travel to the store one at a time. In this case, it would be safer than one of the members of the family would wait outside the store and the buyer would have less difficulty using the shopping cart. It makes it easier to carry purchases to the car or the person waiting, “advises a representative from Maxima.

Safety first

Everyone has to assess their well-being before going to the store, and if they feel the symptoms of the ailment, they would stay home. If there are no changes in well-being, visitors should go to the outlets and be there only with protective gear that covers the mouth and nose. Each store is equipped with stands for disinfectants and disposable gloves at the entrance, which everyone, taking care of their safety and that of others, must use.

“When starting to shop, visitors should remember to keep a safe distance of 2 meters from other shoppers or staff during their visit. It would also be appropriate to make the necessary purchases in a consistent way, based on the design of the products in the store, rather than the resulting list. This way, you can shop faster and avoid more unwanted contacts, “reports E. Dapkienė.

It is no less important that when shopping, buyers only take the products they intend to buy and avoid touching other objects, products and surfaces. If products from the meat compartment or fresh produce are required, heavy products should not be taken from the hand of the serving staff, but from the counter. The interviewee points out that any irresponsible behavior during the purchase can have important consequences, so if you want to cough or sneeze, visitors should do it with an extra mouth covered with a napkin or on the inside of the elbow bent.

Avoid contact with employees

When paying for products, visitors should, if possible, opt for a self-service checkout where they can avoid contact with employees. Those lining up at the checkout are encouraged to pay attention and observe the markings on the ground. This way, while you wait for payment for your purchases, you will maintain a critical safety distance from each other. It is true that the method of payment is no less important, so if possible, buyers are encouraged to pay by bank card with a contactless cash withdrawal system. This will avoid touching not only the money but also the card reader.

About the Maxima retail chain

The traditional strengths of the Lithuanian retail chain Maxima are low prices and a wide selection, especially of Lithuanian products. The company that manages the network, Maxima LT, is the largest Lithuanian-owned company, one of the largest contributors and the largest generator of employment in the country. Currently, there are more than two hundred five hundred Maxima stores in Lithuania, employing more than 13,000 people. employees and more than 550 thousand people visit every day. customers.
