Skvernel responded to accusations of not controlling the pandemic: the mood of the people was overwhelmed by the electoral legend


Life has changed “fundamentally”

The new Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė already chairs the meetings at the Government House. S. Skvernelis returned to the new Seimas to work as an opposition politician. S. Skvernelis, representative of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants (LVŽS), stated that life had changed “fundamentally” after the termination of the Head of Government’s job.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It was a completely different status of protected person. It was a mode for both work and rest.” The duties of the head of government are probably the most difficult in our country, that change, of course, it feels, “he explained on the show.

S. Skvenelis said that even though his status has changed, he cares about what is happening in the state, what has been done, what will be done.

“It just came to our knowledge then.” I am no longer in power, I am in the opposition, so the change is significant in every way, “said the MP.

The former opposition has undermined confidence in government decisions

The new government, which had just been sworn in, tightened quarantine conditions and introduced restrictions on movement. He blamed the outgoing government for the lack of concrete measures.

Former Prime Minister S. Skvernelis Delphi explained on the show that everyone underestimated the threat of a second wave.

“The thoughts on the pandemic are as follows: For various reasons you need to take a mirror and look at yourself, we just underestimate this threat. We thought that we would live as simply as we did in the spring, and we would live in the fall. But there is a completely different situation, “said the politician.

Saulius Skvernelis

Saulius Skvernelis

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

The representative of LVŽS stated that not only in Lithuania there is a notable overwork of the society.

The epidemiological situation in Lithuania is already evolving in foreign media.

When the program’s presidents asked the journalist Daiva Žeimyte-Biliene if this was also due to the late actions of the S. Skvernelis government, the politician assured that the government had done all that was fair.

“It just came to our notice then. (…) The government has done everything necessary. We have security measures, hardware, the necessary people. We just don’t have one. And the Seimas elections also contributed to this, and the politicians who are They opposed at that time they tried to downplay the role of the Government and generate confusion. It is a feeling of relaxation and freedom. And he broke with those numbers, “said the former head of government.

S. Skvernelis emphasized that it was not the government that ordered the assault on shopping malls, the government urged not to go to entertainment venues.

“There is no reason to say that the government has not done something,” explained a member of the LVŽS faction in the Seimas.

He was not afraid to enter the second quarantine

The presenter recalled Skvernel’s words in the fall, and in the last days of September he emphasized that there was no basis for talking about the future quarantine on October 16. The statement of the director of LVŽS Ramūnas Karbauskis at the beginning of October recalled that such a strict quarantine will no longer be necessary.

Former Prime Minister S. Skvernelis responded on the program if these statements were due to the proximity of the Seimas elections.

“Now we can talk about what to do. But every day during that period, we observe the situation as it is, as it is being modeled. “We have seen the dynamics of these cases,” explained the politician.

S. Skvernelis stated that not only the words spoken by him and R. Karbauskis should be quoted, but also by the Mayor of Vilnius Remigijus Šimašiai or the Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė.

“It just came to our attention then. Then it was said that it is not necessary to close anything, there is no need for new restrictions, there is no need to restrict the business,” S. Skvernelis said on the show.

Saulius Skvernelis, Nausėda Gypsies

Saulius Skvernelis, Nausėda Gypsies

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The politician recalled that on November 4, the quarantine was introduced throughout the country.

“Practically every week these conditions were hardened, taking into account the situation,” explained the member of Seimas.

S. Skvernel assured that not all the decisions made by the new government are logical. However, he agreed that the mobility of the population, which has not disappeared anywhere, should be restricted.

S. Skvernelis also claimed that the Seimas elections were the reason why the epidemiological situation in the country was extremely bad.

“But it’s not that someone is afraid of quarantine”, Delphi Member of Seimas S. Skvernelis said on the show.

He assures that he would have taken the same measures

The politician said that if the Seimas elections had not been held in October, the government would have taken the same measures.

“It just came to our notice then. But the mood in our society would have been different,” he said.

The MP highlighted two main problems that make the epidemiological situation in Lithuania so bad.

What was the biggest problem? Not only in Lithuania, let’s remember spring in Italy. There were problems with the election, with the rhetoric. It is a question that has been raised in society, if the decisions made by the government and the government are adequate, if it is trustworthy and if it is necessary to follow those instructions, “said the politician.

Saulius Skvernelis, Ingrida Šimonytė

Saulius Skvernelis, Ingrida Šimonytė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

S. Skvernelis urged on the show to remember the first quarantine in the spring.

“Confidence in both the government and individual ministers has grown to the maximum. People believed and trusted. Whenever doubts arose, the opposition of that time did, they doubted everything and people began to think. And after the Seimas elections, the legend that the power of prohibition ended and was forgotten had a negative effect: that there is nothing terrible here ”, the outgoing prime minister shared his position on the program“ Conversation with Daiva Žeimyte – Biliene ”.

Former Prime Minister S. Skvernel recalled that the necessary measures had been taken even before the announcement of the universal quarantine.

“The government could not have foreseen it”

The budget for next year was approved by Seimas on Tuesday. It was presented to the Seimas by the outgoing government and the new Cabinet of Ministers made its own corrections. The Skvernel government has been criticized for failing to include coronavirus management spending in the draft budget.

S. Skvernelis explained that the budget was presented to the Seimas as it appeared in October.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The government presented the budget to the Seimas, which it did after the first round of the elections. And the budget was designed according to the needs of the current situation. (…) In October, the government did not he could foresee that certain measures would have to be taken, albeit related to business support, after the issuance of the quarantine. No quarantine was announced at that time, “S. Skvernelis responded to criticism from the new rulers.

“Now there are other solutions, another situation,” explained MP Skvernel.

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