Ethnologist L. Klimka: This year’s Christmas Eve is the first of its kind in 800 years Life


“For some people, St. Christmas dinner will have to be prepared for the first time themselves. For others, calculate how to produce less food than in previous years. However, St. Christmas is a time of peace, focus, and family, even if you only communicate with loved ones remotely. We made sure that thousands of Maxima employees could be with their families during the gala dinner. During November and December, we encouraged our customers to care for the festive table in advance and provided a wide range of products to ensure that St. Christmas traditions could continue in every home – shoppers would safely, comfortably, and calmly prepare for the most important festivals of the year ”, says Ernesta Dapkienė, director of the Department of Communication and Image of Maxima, remembering that on December 24 all Maxima stores will be open until 7 pm on the first st. Stores will be closed on Christmas Day.

Dinner started with bread

According to L. Klima, our ancestors in the old Lithuanian village of St. Christmas was especially celebrated. The gala dinner was very different from every day and was unique throughout the year. The ancestors covered the table with white tablecloths, under it heaps of straw were placed, and a cross was placed on top.

“This st. The symbol of Christmas was not so placed in vain. Children are told that Jesus Christ is a baby who must lie in a cradle. He was born in a barn, not a palace, so the hay resembled a manger. As for the other symbols, it is worth mentioning that the corners of the table were decorated with fir branches, and next to the cross on one side the elders placed the Christmas brought from the church, and on the other, sliced ​​black bread. Since he shared with the whole family in ancient times, they started this festive dinner, ”says L. Klima about traditions.

Luke April / 15min photo / Libertas Klimka

Luke April / 15min photo / Libertas Klimka

According to the ethnologist, after covering the table, the heads of families placed St. Christmas Eve meals. There were only nine dishes instead of twelve. According to L. Klima, the most abundant meals were found later, after servitude, when people began to live richer.

“St. For Christmas Eve, the old Lithuanian table was served with what was grown on its own. In the old Lithuanian village, cereals and legumes were tasted during the Holy Supper, and supplemented with other gifts from nature. : fish, berries, mushrooms and nuts ”, says L. Klima.

According to E.Dapkienė, all the necessary products for the Christmas table can be found in Maxima stores. It is also possible to buy prepared meals; you don’t have to prepare festive table meals yourself.

“Our culinary masters make sure customers find the best quality, ready-to-use products in stores. We have carefully taken care of the rich, delicious and complete flavor. Choose the right dishes for Christmas Eve. For those who want to prepare their own meals, they will definitely find a variety of st. The choice of the necessary ingredients for Christmas dishes ”, emphasizes E. Dapkienė.

Today it is a Christmas tree, formerly a hanging garden.

According to the ethnologist, keeping the ancient traditions, the food through St. Christmas Eve should not be heavily flavored or mixed with various sauces. L. Klimka advises those preparing a festive table not to overdo it and reminds them: At St. At the Christmas table, we act as if the ghosts of our ancestors were nearby.

“We talked about them during the gala dinner, remembering what our grandparents were like. As their lives unfolded, what a beautiful lesson can be learned from the latter. Christmas is a time of family cohesion, when we share the story of our family, because it is a time to put aside all work and communicate, ”says L. Klimka.

According to the ethnologist, in the old house the straw garden was also given an important role, which revolved around St. The Christmas table already symbolizes the structure of the world. According to the interlocutor, the Christmas tree came to our country quite late, only in the XIX century. On the other hand. It was first described by the poet Antanas Baranauskas in his youth, who saw the new tradition in the home of an official of the tsar.

Another important custom highlighted by L. Klima are the traditions that traditionally took place in ancient Lithuania in December. At different times of the month, warm clothes and Christmas gifts were exchanged, and the last market, just before St. Christmas Eve was sweet to buy honey, blueberries or meat for St. For Christmas. E.Dapkienė also warns that Lithuanians do not deviate from traditions so far.

“Our customers’ Christmas baskets are similar every year. They contain Christmas cakes, gingerbread cookies, candles, other Christmas decorations and, of course, tangerines. The latter have become a true symbol of the holidays, which we sell especially in abundance. Lithuanians are also indifferent to sweets. Not only do they buy gingerbread cookies, but also gingerbread, chocolate figurines and other delicacies, “says E. Dapkienė about shopper habits.

The first of those st. Christmas after almost a millennium

According to L. Klimka, st. Christmas spells are also an integral part of the festive evening. Everything through St. Christmas Eve, according to the ethnologist, is very significant, so it is worth seeing who knocks on the door, enters the house, smooth or snows that day.

“If the veil of the clouds in the sky parted on the festive night and the stars were seen, it would be a good sign. It is a ray of hope that the situation is changing positively. In general, this year the sky is particularly rich in signals. One of them emerged on December 21, during the astronomical day of the winter solstice. Then the two lights in the sky and the larger planets, Jupiter and Saturn, came closer together. The last time this phenomenon was observed was 800 years ago, when the plague swept through Europe. At the time, it was thought that it was a warning from heaven for people to change their lifestyle, ”says the doctor of science.

Therefore, in L. Klimka’s opinion, now these lights have rekindled St. A ray of hope for Christmas that we will overcome all difficulties if we make changes. Not in vain during this year St. At Christmas, the ethnologist calls for a return to ancient traditions. “Given the non-existence, let’s move on to moderation, to the past, to the communication of the immediate family,” adds the interlocutor.

Remember to exercise moderation and E.Dapkienė, who urges you to prepare for the holidays responsibly, follow the recommendations and the safety plan.

“We made sure that nothing was missing from the festive table. Buyers will easily find all the products they want in our stores, and even the most demanding needs will be guaranteed. We only recommend that you plan your purchases well, do not visit the store unnecessarily and that it complies with all safety requirements when shopping. I have no doubt that it will allow us to welcome the most beautiful holidays of the year to the fullest, happy and, most importantly, healthy, “concludes E. Dapkienė.

About the Maxima retail chain

The traditional strengths of the Lithuanian retail chain Maxima are low prices and a wide selection, especially of Lithuanian products. The company that manages the network, Maxima LT, is the largest Lithuanian-owned company, one of the largest contributors and the largest generator of employment in the country. Currently, there are more than two hundred five hundred Maxima stores in Lithuania, employing more than 13,000 people. employees and more than 550 thousand people visit every day. customers.
