Panevėžys broke out in terms of the number of infections: massive infections in families are terrifying


Kazimieras Armonavičius, deputy director of the municipal administration of the city of Panevėžys and coordinator of the Emergency Operations Center, admitted that he had familiarized himself with the statistical data and was aware of the situation and assured that the city government was doing everything possible.

“The workload of the mobile point has increased since last week. People who come to be tested for COVID-19 infection will be attended by 5 teams of specialists. To control the spread of the virus, it is necessary to locate the resulting mammals as soon as possible. The greater scope of the mobile point investigation will not only allow to serve more residents, but it will also be possible to carry out the investigation the same day or at the latest the next day “, says K. Armonavičius.


Currently 3164 people have coronavirus in Panevėžys. In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 has been diagnosed in 5,002 residents of Panevėžys.

Coronavirus in Panevezys

Coronavirus in Panevezys

© Your Panevezys

34 residents died of coronavirus, another 11 died of other causes. By the way, yesterday a record of deaths was recorded in Panevėžys. During the last day, 6 residents of Panevėžys died from the coronavirus.

Answers will come faster

According to K. Armonavičius, deputy director of the municipal administration of the city of Panevėžys, by increasing the workload of the mobile point, the test results will reach people faster.

“You will not have to wait two or three days for answers. In addition, it will be possible to identify foci of the disease and locate them. We contacted educational, social and cultural institutions. The situation was discussed with representatives of companies and shopping centers. We are doing the same. that is within our reach ”, said the coordinator of the emergency operations center.

The city cannot be closed

One of the possible solutions to reduce the number of illnesses is the closure of the city. However, according to K. Armonavičius, it is not possible to close the city of Panevėžys completely, to locate it.

Coronavirus in Panevezys

Coronavirus in Panevezys

© Your Panevezys

“It just came to our attention then. Such decisions are made by the national government and I think it would be mandatory for the National Center for Public Health to apply for such a request. The municipality of Panevėžys City cannot adopt strict and categorical measures by itself. By the way, the Fever Clinic will resume its operations in Panevėžys. Therefore, it must help to manage the situation “, explained the deputy director of the Municipal Administration, coordinator of the Emergency Operations Center.

Sick families

Eugenijus Vilčinskas, Director of the Panevėžys Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), acknowledged that the city of Panevėžys ranks first in COVID-19 cases.

“It seems that there are outbreaks in many places. Anxious illnesses run in families. I have 3-4 members of a family. It is also worrying that about 46 percent. People cannot know where they may have been infected,” explained E. Vilčinskas.

E. Vilčinskas

E. Vilčinskas

© Your Panevezys

Everyone is responsible

An NVSC representative says outbreaks have been reported at the Republican Panevėžys Hospital.

“New diseases have been identified in Sodra, Dominari and others. New cases of coronavirus have still been identified in preschool and general education institutions. With general education schools a little quieter, the holidays have started. There are patients in kindergartens of childhood ‘Diemedis’, ‘Rūta’ However, it is reassuring that kindergartens can locate groups where diseases have been diagnosed, ”said the head of NVSC’s Panevėžys department.

When asked whether it would not be worth making decisions and closing Panevėžys, E. Vilčinskas stated that closing the city was not in his power.

“Only the Lithuanian government can make that decision. What we can do is follow the rules, disinfect the premises, wash our hands. We all participate in the COVID-19 process, so we are responsible for the consequences,” says E. Vilčinskas .
