Even the Seimas Commission needed to clear up the dispute over additional money for education Business


Rietena began when 73 members of the Seimas, mostly the opposition, approved a proposal by Artūras Žukauskas, a representative of the Freedom Party, to provide some 46 million LTL. for various educational purposes.

After realizing what had happened, the Conservative who chaired the meeting, Jurgis Razma, asked Finance Minister Gintarė Skaistė to comment on the situation.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Euros, which are not included in the budget deficit,” said the minister.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Amber Skaistė

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Amber Skaistė

Then there was a stormy discussion at the Seimas. Some MPs said they did not understand that they had voted in favor of the entire package of proposals, rather than the individual lines of the initiative, where the costs were broken down into 6 or 8 million. euros.

Mr. Razma then moved for a vote. This time, the allocation of an additional million was rejected: 67 MPs voted in favor, leaving several votes short of the 71 required.

Soon the opposition representatives began shouting “Shame!” In the Seimas room.

“I have not seen such a circus,” said Antanas Guoga, an “employee”.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Guoga

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Guoga

Some politicians claimed that J.Razma had requested the vote illegally, but claimed that he had exercised the right provided in the Statute of the Seimas.

Luke April / 15min photo / Jurgis Razma

Luke April / 15min photo / Jurgis Razma

However, A.Guoga requested to change the chair of the meeting. J.Razma was replaced by Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilyte-Nielsen.

Soon after, the Seimas announced an hour-long hiatus.

After his return, MPs continued disputes over the legitimacy of Razma’s decision to announce a new vote. The Seimas Ethics and Procedures Commission was asked to assess the situation, so the parliamentarians took a break for another 20 minutes.
