Updated list of affected countries to include the entire UK


People coming from or traveling through the UK will need to isolate themselves for 10 days or get tested for coronavirus. The negative response test could not be performed before 48 hours before. until arrival in Lithuania. The test can also be performed on arrival in Lithuania, but isolation is mandatory until a negative coronavirus test is obtained.

Additionally, people from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are not covered by the exemptions provided in isolation: all travelers from that country must isolate themselves or take a test..

The Ministry of Health recalls that a person returning from the affected country from the airport, seaport or other land entry point to the point of isolation must travel in their own or rented transport, requesting the help of family or friends. If you are traveling to an isolation area with family or friends, it is important to wear protective gear that covers your nose and mouth and to maintain a safe distance of 1 to 2 meters. The use of public transport is not recommended.

Isolated persons may not leave the isolation area without the permission of a healthcare professional, travel by public transport to or from the isolation site when testing is required, or in other cases with the permission of a healthcare professional . If it is not possible to reach the mobile point alone, by family or by taxi, a person can contact the municipality of residence if they offer a transport service to the mobile points.

A person cannot receive guests for the entire period of isolation, and must provide food, medicine and other necessary facilities remotely or ask family or friends who are not subject to isolation measures to take care of them, or contact the Municipal administration.

Isolated individuals should measure body temperature daily and monitor their health for coughing and respiratory symptoms. If health deteriorates or symptoms of an acute respiratory infection appear, the 1808 Hotline should be consulted. It is also important to collaborate with specialists from the National Center for Public Health and provide them with all the information necessary for the epidemiological diagnosis of the outbreak.

VIDEO: An urgent government meeting: a decision to ban flights from the UK

The list of affected countries and regions, published on Friday, includes the countries of the European Economic Area: Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, as well as all third countries, and Poland has been removed from the list.

Depending on morbidity and other indicators, countries are divided into green, yellow, red and gray areas. When Lithuania is in the red zone, only the countries and regions in the gray zone are considered affected countries.

The gray area includes countries that do not provide data to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) or that perform 300 or fewer tests per 100,000 people in 7 days. population.

The gray area also includes all third countries (non-EEA countries) that are not included in the maps of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

The Ministry of Health (SAM) recalls that travelers on regular, special and charter flights of all modes of transport organized and operated by carriers must register on the website of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) (https: // kjetusiams .nvsc.lt / lt / form) and before entering the vehicle to send the carrier a confirmation of the completed electronic form (QR code), and in other cases, no later than 12 hours after the time of return or Arrival in Lithuania, you must register with NVSC (https://keleiviams.nvsc.lt/ lt / form).

HERE you can see a virtual map of the affected countries, developed by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control according to the traffic light principle.


Eil. Nr.

Country (territory)


EU and EEA countries (based on national / regional data published by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Duchy of Liechtenstein

Republic of Slovenia

The Swiss Confederation


other countries

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Republic of Albania

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

American Samoa

Principality of Andorra

Republic of Angola

Old and bearded

Argentinian republic

Republic of armenia



Republic of Azerbaijan


Kingdom of Bahrain

The Republic of Belarus

People’s Republic of Bangladesh



Republic of Benin

Bermuda Islands*

Republic of Guinea – Bissau


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic of Botswana

Federative Republic of Brazil

Brunei Darussalam

Burkina Fasas

Republic of Burundi

Kingdom of Bhutan

Central African Republic

Republic of Chad

The Republic of Chile


Dominican Republic

Republic of Côte d ‘Ivoire

Republic of Djibouti


Republic of Ecuador


Ethiopian Federal Democrat

Republic of the Fiji Islands

Republic of the Philippines

Republic of Gabon

Republic of Guyana

Islamic Republic of the Gambia

Republic of Ghana



Georgia (Sakartvelas)

Guam *


Republic of Guatemala

Republic of Guinea

Republic of Haiti

Republic of Honduras

Republic of India

Republic of Indonesia

Republic of Iraq

Islamic Republic of Iran




Republic of Yemen


United States of America

United Arab Emirates


Cayman Islands

Christmas island

The Kingdom of Cambodia

Republic of Cameroon



Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kenya

People’s Republic of China

Kyrgyz Republic


Republic of Colombia

Democratic Republic of Congo

Kongo Respublika

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)

Costa Rica Republic

Republic of Cuba

Cook islands


Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Kingdom of Lesotho

Republic of lebanon


State of libya

Republic of Madagascar


Republican Malawi

Republic of Maldives

Republic of mali

Kingdom of Morocco


Republic of Mauritius

Islamic Republic of Mauritania



Republic of Moldova

The Principality of Monaco



Republic of Mozambique

Republic of Namibia

New Zealand

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal


Nigerian Respublika

Nicaragua Republic

Omano Sultanatas

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Palestine *


Papua New Guinea

Republic of Paraguay

Republic of Peru

Republic of South Africa

South Korea

South Sudan

French polynesia

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

Equatorial Guinea



Russian Federation

Solomon Islands

Republic of El Salvador

Republic of San Marino

Republic of Sao Tome and Principe

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Republic of Senegal

Republic of Serbia


Syrian Arab Republic

Federal Republic of Somalia

Republic of Sudan

Republic of Suriname


Republic of North Macedonia

Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka

Holy See (Vatican City State)

Republic of Tajikistan



Turks and Caicos Islands

Togo Respublika

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago




Republic of Uganda



Republic of Uzbekistan


Republic of Venezuela

Republic of Vietnam

Republic of Zambia

Republic of Zimbabwe

Republic of Cape Verde

* Territories without state status
