A unique Lithuanian project in the Canary Islands: a circus on water without animals has gained worldwide recognition


“Last night we received a letter stating that we had been selected as one of the best events of 2020, in the category” Best Non-Profit Event “, we are among the 6 best in the world in this category with the project” Circo on the water “. This year, 23 countries participated in this prestigious competition and see their company name among chains such as Philips, Amway, Coca Cola, Worten, Samsung, Budweiser, Channel Five, The Lego Group. “Oriflame and Škoda are something like that …” Karolina Klimavičienė recently rejoiced on social media, returning to Lithuania from Tenerife in the spring due to the coronavirus situation with her family, where she recently lived and developed a project.

VIDEO: Circus on water BEA WORLD 2020

How 15 minutes Carolina said, for ten years her family business has been involved in the production of water screens, and the idea of ​​building a circus in the water was born after solving technical problems. Intelligent solutions for such circuses were sought and found, a special water tank, a machine was created.

“Our vision was to do something unique, one-of-a-kind and find a place that geographically allows the show to take place all year long due to the weather. That place has become the Canary Islands where the climate is a paradise throughout the year. They are also related to the love for animals, because live circus shows do not dispense with animal torture. We investigated the market and saw that the Spanish have a large number of vacations throughout the year. Our meetings with technicians were held in Israel. We have been making water screens for foreign countries for ten years, we saw that there is another possibility, – said the woman. – This is a project created by us, a sustainable and ecological water screen. The problems this idea has eliminated are the use of fireworks. The Spanish are the country that has the largest number of festivals and each one closes and opens with fireworks. Furthermore, we had another objective. As the Spanish express a great love for animals, a project of this type has no alternatives in the market and helps to reduce the usual market of the circus, to reduce the exploitation, abuse and torture of animals. And fireworks themselves are a great harm to animals. “

According to her, the project also had the support of the green canals of the Canary Islands, because after the festivities the beaches were drowning in the garbage caused by fireworks, and this event does not generate pollution. Lithuanians received orders from the most famous hotels on the islands, event organizers, mostly from municipalities, as they are the main organizers of various festivals.

Flying animals

The Circus and the Water is a wall of water 30 meters wide and 12 meters high. It has floating dolphins, orcs, turtles, jellyfish and other marine animals. As you watch the show, natural animal-induced sounds are also emitted.

“We have performed in the Canary Islands in different places – soccer fields, because they love soccer, it can be a golf course or a beach. The problem was, that we had to solve, that the Spanish do not have a source of fresh water, they do not have lakes, rivers where we can extract water. The challenge was and we overcame it: we had to make a special water machine, the only one in the world with enough water to withstand a 6 or 12 minute show, ”said K. Klimavičienė. According to his calculations, since June 2019 there have been 131 aquatic circus performances on the island, both in public places and in hotels or other spaces.

VIDEO: Water laser show 2019 09 Gran Fiesta de Los Vinos de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Plans were interrupted by Covid-19

Covid-19 was interrupted by family plans to put down roots in the Canary Islands. In February, the family rushed home.

“We would have stayed if it wasn’t for Covid-19, but unfortunately we had to go back. In December, we had started a new project with electricity generating bicycles. When mentioned, the wall lights up, pictures appear on it, and the show takes place, and the mentioned bicycles were also used to light up the Christmas trees. Unfortunately due to the coronavirus, we have been running this project for a couple of months. February was the first Covid-19 event in Spain, and the Canary Islands have the largest foreign population, Italians in particular, it is like the second Italy, so the virus immediately hooked Tenerife, we collected things and returned, “said K. Klimavičienė .

The returned family was also looking for contacts in Lithuania to organize events. They have not been held so far due to quarantine, the events have been canceled, but there is no doubt that everything is yet to come.

“The events are very expensive, the private sector does not have the opportunity to buy. Main work with municipalities, big objects with bigger budgets. The cost of the event is increased by the machine and the technologies created, ”said the woman.

Love lithuania

The family returned to Lithuania with their children, now with eight and ten-year-old offspring, and in September they were supplemented with a third offspring.

“Children love Lithuania very much, here are the grandparents, the whole family. There are other things here, but happiness is there because there is sun, sea, pool. Spaniards live differently: their lives are celebrated, but there are pros and cons in both countries. There is no ideal place to live or do business. What cost us a lot was that they were great nationalists, they did not allow those who did not speak Spanish, and at first we did not speak, but we learned. They have a stubbornness not to support foreigners. With a unique project, we enter your market. It was also important for them that we save their budgets, because buying half an hour for our show is cheaper than fireworks, which have been seen many times. Furthermore, the idea itself was sustainable and economically beneficial, ”said the businesswoman.

Personal bow.  photo / Karolina and Andrius Klimavičiai

Personal bow. photo / Karolina and Andrius Klimavičiai

Leaving Lithuania, the family had also abandoned their home and various businesses, so the man spent three weeks abroad and one week in Lithuania, for which he had to travel the entire time until he was forced to return to your homeland by Covid-19.

The family of the house brought a basket of memories, business experiences, impressions that will last a lifetime. The Bea World also noted her hard work.

K. Klimavičienė made contact with the representatives of this organization in November last year in Italy. Many criteria had to be met to enter the lists. The couple were pleasantly surprised that the applicant received the news that the categories were in the top six among non-profit events.
