Filming works gradually renewed in Lithuania Culture


Vilnius Film Bureau announced that the first filming work in the capital will be carried out this weekend, short films will be filmed first.

Many of the producers interviewed by BNS hope to return to the filming sites in mid-summer, with the focus during the quarantine on script writing.

According to them, after filming, the editing will require even more work to prevent viewers from seeing additional protective measures due to the coronavirus.

“We plan to resume work in the second half of next month. Masks, gloves, before and after disinfection, filming at some distance. More work to edit only after such filming so that nothing is seen,” said Andrius Urbanavičius, producer of Lithuanian TV shows and series “Serious Affairs”.

“Now our specific work is in the script development phase. We need to have as much material as possible to start filming in the middle of the summer and deliver this content to the audience as early as the fall, ”said Erik Kundreck, author of the television series and movie scripts.

In the second half of the summer, international film projects may return to Lithuania.

Monika Dapkutė, a representative from producer Ahil, who worked with Netflix for US Internet television. USA In production for the Young Volander series, he hopes to resume filming in August.

“Depending on the situation, we plan to resume filming in Lithuania in August. At that time, at least three foreign film projects hope to return to Lithuania and resume filming in Lithuania, ”M. Dapkutė told BNS.

According to producer Lineta Mišeikytė, who created the HBO television series “Chernobyl” with “Baltic Film Services”, his team was lucky: Before the quarantine, the Netflix series “Stranger things” was filmed. It would not have been possible to organize a team of developers from abroad later.

“Our company communicates with the French, who want to start filming in September, October, if there is no second wave, if they can fly,” said L. Bšeikytė.

According to her, in early summer and autumn, filmmakers may lack specialists, because their demand in the market will be very high.

“I see another big challenge, with all the producers and filmmakers planning to shoot in the late summer and early fall. There will be congestion in the market. Even if we can make movies, there will be too many people who want to make movies, “he said.

The Ministry of Health issued recommendations this month for activities at filming sites. Only healthy people can participate in filming, it is suggested to limit physical contact as much as possible, keep distance and use personal protective equipment.

Specialists should wear a disposable medical mask when filming or manipulating hairstyles, and if the person being covered cannot cover their face, it is recommended to wear a face shield or a FFP2 respirator and goggles.

“The details of our work do not allow us to work without physical contact and, generally, a person’s makeup takes about an hour. Therefore, all safety responsibility depends on the make-up artist,” Vilma Garliauskienė, makeup artist, told BNS and stylist.
