Landsberg’s team at the Foreign Office was clear: Adomėnas, Meilūnas, Pranckevičius


The Cabinet of Minister G. Landsbergis will be headed by Ambassador Dr. Algimantas Rimkūnas, who began working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in 1990, was former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of State (Chancellor) of the Ministry and directed Lithuanian diplomatic missions in Geneva, Portugal and Sweden. He has also served as Vice Minister of Finance and Advisor to the Minister of Finance. A. Rimkūnas graduated from Vilnius University, where he obtained the qualification of economist-mathematician.

Inga Černiuk, an expert in organizational change, has served as Chancellor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has worked as Deputy Director at the Property Bank, Chancellor at the Ministries of Transport and Energy. I. Černiuk holds a master’s degree in European Union Law and a master’s degree in Strategic Management, Organizational Psychology and Business Process Management from ISM.

Landsberg's team at the Foreign Office was clear: Adomėnas, Meilūnas, Pranckevičius

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

The Minister will be assisted by three Vice Ministers:

Adomėnas Blankets – Former member of the Seimas, who has worked on education, culture and foreign policy during his parliamentary political career, paying close attention to the development of freedom and democracy in Sakartvele, Belarus, Ukraine and East Asia. M. Adomėnas graduated in classical studies and taught at the Universities of Vilnius and Cambridge.

Delphi wrote about it last week.

Egidijus Meilūnas – diplomat, former Lithuanian ambassador to Poland, Japan, Ireland. He also served as Advisor to the President, Inspector General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. He graduated from Vilnius University and obtained the qualifications of pediatrician and lawyer.

Arnoldas Pranckevičius – Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Lithuania. He advised President Adamkus and was a diplomatic advisor to the Presidents of the European Parliament, Mr. Buzek and Mr. Schulz, on East and Asian policy, strategy for the enlargement of the European Union, security and defense. He holds a BA in International Relations from Colgate University in the United States and an MA in European Studies from the Institute of Political Science in Paris.

Vytautė Šmaižytė, head of communication for the National-Lithuanian Union Christian Democratic Party and former advisor to the Ministers of Transport and Economy, will serve as a spokesperson for the Minister of Foreign Affairs. V. Šmaižytė is one of the founders of the free newspaper and portal “15min” and the editor-in-chief, a long-term organizer of the National Dictation who appreciates the Lithuanian language. V. Šmaižytė graduated from Lund University in Sweden with a master’s degree in media.

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