A.Armonaitė asks retail chains to narrow down: better for them than waiting for permission from above Business


“I called on major retail chains to voluntarily limit the range. In order to reduce the flow of buyers, “the minister told reporters at Seimas.

According to her, retail chains could operate as abroad when unnecessary compartments of goods are blocked.

I think it’s always better to just volunteer than wait for someone to come down from the top.

Discussions about the work of the retail chains emerged after the new government tightened the quarantine, when most stores were forced to close.

Some in the closed sector criticized the government for distorting competition, as retail chains sell not only food but also Christmas gifts, cosmetics, toys and other products.

The message can become an instruction

A.Armonaitė claimed that retail chains responded to the call in various ways, but also claimed to have noticed a decrease in customer flows.

However, he said that if the epidemiological situation does not improve, the recommendation could become binding guidelines.

“I think it is always better to limit yourself voluntarily than to wait for someone to fall from above,” said the economy minister.

The politician also claimed to have personally conducted a “mystery shopper test” and visited stores whose main activity is not the food trade, but which are trying to continue working after opening such departments.

“It just came to our attention then. It did not turn out to be abused, it is not possible to buy boards,” laughed A. Armonaitė.

Christmas decorations were blocked

How 15 minutes I already wrote, some construction supply stores, like Senukai and Depo, continue to operate after opening food departments.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo /

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / “Senukai” announcing the food department of the store

But still, on Wednesday, pans, pots, sleds or Christmas decorations were also visible on the shelves alongside chocolates, dairy products or pasta.

It is true that when you visit the Depo store on Thursday, you can see that the Christmas decorations are already fenced in.

The government predicts that the tighter quarantine restrictions will continue until the end of January.
