Professor Urbon advised who can protect against viruses and help lose weight


The most valuable property of the broth, the gastroenterologist identifies proteins that are good for human bones, cartilage and skin, but warns that it is better not to consume the broth from the powder, reported the outlet.

From bones to meat, cartilage or skin, virtual broths are dominated by proteins. According to a pediatric gastroenterologist, prof. Vaidotas Urbon contains very little carbohydrate or fat in the broth, and most of the protein is collagen, which helps to solidify the cooled broth.

“Collagen is a dietary protein found in bone, cartilage, and skin, from which it enters the broth during boiling. Collagen makes up about 30 percent of all the proteins in the human body. This is a very important material. ”Says Prof. V. Urbonas.

Professor Urbon advised who can protect against viruses and help lose weight

Because collagen is part of many human organs, such as cartilage, bones, or skin, it is also used to treat joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. As the specialist points out, even many skin creams contain collagen.

“Collagen levels are very high in commercially prepared products specifically for the treatment of such diseases. The concentration in the broth is lower, but it is a natural collagen that could help reduce joint pain, ”said the gastroenterologist.

Does it help you lose weight?

The broth is a low calorie product, it contains very little fat. According to prof. V. Urbono, there is also scientific evidence that the broth can help you lose weight. It is true that the specialist emphasizes that the evidence is still extremely weak and weightless.

Professor Urbon advised who can protect against viruses and help lose weight

“If a person eats a lot of protein, their weight tends to decrease. Their fat mass is decreasing. When a person eats a large amount of food, their stomach stretches. Drinking broth can help mechanically stretch the stomach and reduce appetite.” , assures the teacher.

According to him, a study conducted with older people found that those who consumed more collagen and engaged in physical exercise accumulated better muscle mass compared to those who only exercised but did not consume foods with collagen.

“Higher amounts of protein could benefit older people. Knowing that the acidity of the stomach decreases with age, the extracts present in the broth slightly stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach. However, the broth would not be suitable for a person who has gastroesophageal reflux disease, when heartburn and acidosis occur ”, says prof. V. Urbonas.

Broth – and to sleep better

In addition to collagen and protein, the broth can also contain various minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Also small amounts of vitamins.

Professor Urbon advised who can protect against viruses and help lose weight

However, the specialist also draws attention to another protein found in the broth, one of the amino acids, glycine.

Some recommend drinking a light broth before going to bed. There are scientific studies that show that the glycine it contains can improve the quality of sleep. It is true that these are not scientifically proven facts with great force, but if a person believes in it and emotions are a strong factor in our health, there may be benefits ”, says the professor.

Emphasize that no additional salt should be added to the broth. Too much salt can be harmful for people with high blood pressure, especially the elderly.

Recommended before meals

Broth, according to prof. V. Urbon, should be taken at lunch or dinner, but should not be taken more than once a day. If a person likes the broth a lot, it is possible to drink it daily, but it would be optimal to do it 2-3 times a week.

“Traditionally, we drink broth before the main course. It also facilitates the functioning of our digestive tract. When we start to eat, enzymes are released. Sometimes it is enough to smell or see the food, then we feel the accumulation of saliva. There is a slight difference in gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, and enzymes.

Professor Urbon advised who can protect against viruses and help lose weight

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But our main enzyme factory is the pancreas. And it hardly responds to either the image or the smell. It responds only to nutrients that enter the intestine from the stomach. If we eat broth before the main dish, it enters the stomach very quickly because it is a liquid substance and begins to stimulate our pancreas.

Subsequent food enters the duodenum and encounters a large enough amount of enzymes to break down these substances. When a person’s pancreas sleeps a bit and doesn’t respond to food, the food is poorly digested. Digestive problems can occur, ”said the professor.

How to choose?

Cooking royal broth can be a frustrating challenge. It takes 4-6 and sometimes 10 hours to cook enough useful ingredients. Naturally, not everyone wants to spend that much time in the kitchen. Does the broth found in stores replace the homemade broth?

Prof. According to V. Urbonas, the broth that is sold in buckets is not good for health.

“It is practically a synthetic, artificial product, like French fries or a dry breakfast. Additional flavoring agents, glutamate, salt, hydrogenated fat, etc. were added to these cubes. When buying broth in the store, you need to choose the real ones, which are usually in glass jars.

They are enough to dilute with water and can be used. For example, the wines from the Ilzenberg estate. It’s gelatin in a glass jar, you see the kind of product you would have made at home, ”said the gastroenterologist.

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