The last straw: in the shop windows of building materials: food, Christmas tree decorations, toys | Deal


In 15 minutes Readers asked why stores like Depo or Senukai, whose main business is not selling food, open on Wednesday.

The photos submitted show that the shelves of these stores in operation are food, household chemicals, brooms and various cloths, pots and pans, toys, disinfectant, protective masks and other goods.

Other sections of the store were closed with pallets loaded with merchandise, flat or empty shelf walls.

Another reader 15 minutes reported that, for example, at the Senukai store in Utena it is possible to buy not only food or other goods located in unobstructed sections.

Supposedly, if a client wants something from a department that is blocked, a consultant from that department is called in. Write what the customer needs and after paying for the merchandise, you can pick it up at the collection point. If the goods are small, they are brought and delivered on the spot.

15 minutes On Monday, Senukai asked representatives of “Senukai” if the construction, repair and household goods network plans to continue its activities after tightening the quarantine imposed on COVID-19, but has not received any response so far.

With Depo representatives 15 minutes contact failed.

Kesko Senukai announced that it is developing multi-channel commerce

On Monday, the Kesko Senukai chain of stores issued a press release in which it stated that, in compliance with the Government’s decision and restricting the activities of physical supermarkets, it urged shoppers to choose from the Senukai range online, by phone and email.

According to Elona Uckutė, representative of Kesko Senukai, the successful development of multi-channel commerce helps to react quickly to new operating restrictions.

“At this time of uncertainty, it is very important that companies react quickly to changing conditions and offer customers alternative ways of purchasing goods. The successful development of Kesko Senukai’s multi-channel trading system enables us to provide customers with the necessary products. and Christmas gifts also at this important moment ”, E. Uckutė is quoted in the report.

According to her, the company aims to ensure that customers can buy all products safely and in the most comfortable way for them, without leaving home.

“Our goal is to ensure the security of the entire purchase process. During the quarantine period, both by phone and by email. Goods purchased by mail or online are delivered to buyers at the specified address or at parcel terminals It is also possible to collect orders safely at special collection points, which will operate in all cities where the “Senukai” stores are located, says E. Uckutė.

Ingrida Šimonytė’s government has introduced stricter quarantine restrictions in response to the spread of the coronavirus, which targets several thousand new cases per day.

These restrictions are expected to continue until the end of January. The Prime Minister stressed that if the stricter restrictions do not help, the activities of supermarkets can be further restricted.
