The municipalities where the pandemic most affected the labor market have been identified


In a press release, the Employment Service writes that registered unemployment grew the fastest in the municipalities of Lazdijai, Vilkaviškis, Ukmergė, Šilalė, Plungė, Telšiai, Kelmė, Šilutė, Jurbarkas and Druskininkai. Up to 9.1 percent. Growth was recorded in Lazdijai – 14.8 percent. up to 23.9 percent. and Vilkaviškis of 11.9 percent. up to 21 percent. municipalities.

Unemployment of the working-age population in Ukmergė Municipality increased by 8.5 percent. – from 11.9 percent. at 20.4 percent, Šilalė at 8.3 percent. – from 8.7 percent. up to 17 percent, Plungė 8 percent. – from 8.6 percent. at 16.6 percent, Kelmė 7.8 percent. – from 13.3 percent. at 21.1 percent, Telšiai at 7.8 percent. – from 9.7 percent. at 17.5 percent, Šilutė 7.7 percent. – from 10.6 percent. at 18.3 percent, Jurbarkas 7.7 percent. – from 12% to 19.7 percent. and Druskininkai 7.5 percent. – from 10.2 percent. up to 17.7 percent.

“The growth of unemployment in these municipalities is also influenced by the fact that a large part of the population works not only in the service and commercial sectors, but also in the self-employed according to commercial licenses. Due to seasonality, work has also decreased in agriculture and the construction sector. As the demand for labor declined, especially for low-skilled workers, their registration increased, ”said Jurgita Zemblytė, head of the Employment Service’s Monitoring and Analysis Division.

This is a difficult time not just for companies, when job retention and employee downtime issues have become relevant. In the districts, uncertain conditions and restrictions on activities encouraged the self-employed to give up, not to continue with self-employed activities with commercial licenses.

Where has unemployment increased the most?

The rise in unemployment is especially felt in the districts of Šilalė, Šilutė, Druskininkai, Plungė and Telšiai, where unemployment was only 7-9 percent a year ago. and did not suffer from the problem of high unemployment.

The situation in Druskininkai is complicated. As the need for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation services and the flow of clients diminish, sanatoriums reduce the number of employees. The AB Eglės sanatorium was the first to inform the Employment Service about this, so the work functions performed by 185 employees are redundant. In Druskininkai, the pandemics had direct consequences for companies, especially small ones, as in this municipality about 68 percent. companies provide services directly related to tourism.

The number of incoming tourists has dropped dramatically this year due to the total restriction or ban on treatment services, wellness and spa treatments. Druskininkai Biggest Amusement Center – Water Park is also closed, is closed.

According to the Employment Service report, this situation has also caused restrictions in the activities of the self-employed, or many have stopped it completely and registered for job search benefits. As a result of this benefit, the number of people with disabilities has also doubled. Unemployment among young people under 29 years of age increased 2.8 times to 15.5 percent. About 50 percent. Registered youth are comprised of students who have applied for job search benefits.

In November, the majority applied: 33 percent. (81 people) were self-employed, returned from abroad, or did not work at all, 12.6 percent (31) – from the accommodation and catering sector, 11.7 percent. (29) – wholesale and retail trade, 11.3%. (28) – of human health and social work activities. Total at Druskininkai on December 1. 2 thousand registered. job seekers.

In the municipalities of Šilutė, Šilalė and Plungė, the increase in unemployment was mainly influenced by the end of seasonal work, the increase in the registration of people for job search, the receipt of benefits for the self-employed (farmers, disabled, students, returned emigrants, etc.). In all these departments, the number of young people under 29 years of age has tripled on average compared to the same period last year. Šilutė has one of the highest numbers of registered disabled people, accounting for 13.2 percent. registered job applicants.

In Plungė, the majority of job seekers are shopkeepers, builders and butchers, fishermen from the manufacturing industry (16.6%, trade) 12.3%. The uncertain economic situation has had a negative impact on small businesses. More are autonomous.

The rise in unemployment in Šilalė is also influenced by the fact that most vacancies are registered outside the district. Population mobility and motivation to work remote jobs have been significantly reduced due to the quarantine.

The largest number of returnees from abroad is most notable in Šilutė. There are also more appeals of people laid off by companies due to difficulties in the business sector. Job seekers’ mobility has decreased: they no longer want to go to work in Klaipeda or its district.

The rise in unemployment in Telšiai is influenced not only by quarantine restrictions, but also by seasonality: there has currently been an increase in the number of applicants working in the agricultural and forestry sectors on fixed-term contracts. About a third of the applicants are unskilled workers, but the demand for these workers is not as high in the Telšiai district.

After starting to pay job search benefits, it was observed that the number of registrants in Telšiai district who had not worked for two or more years before enrolling in the Employment Service increased. In July and August, there were a total of 355 people of this type, while in the same period of 2019 – 120. Since the beginning of the year, the Telšiai Customer Service Department has received 3 notifications about dismissal of Group employees ( 61 people are fired). Two companies went bankrupt.

As in the entire country, Telšiai applied mainly manufacturing jobs – 11.1 percent, construction – 10.6 percent, trade – 8.6 percent. By occupation, plus registered builders, cleaners, maids and helpers, shop assistants, packers, furniture, and related workers. Total December 1 4101 telšiai residents were looking for work.

In these municipalities, as in the entire country, the main victims were catering and service establishments, hotels and other companies in the service sector, which are totally or partially inactive. These service sector companies, which closed during the first wave of quarantine, recovered more slowly in the summer and fall than those affected by fewer operating restrictions and crises, such as manufacturing.

In such circumstances, people working in the service sector are more likely to lose their jobs and it is more difficult to find a new one due to fewer job vacancies and increased competition from others who have lost their jobs. Job positions. In the country on December 1. 266.6 thousand people were looking for work. (15.5%) of the country’s working-age population.

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