The associate professor talked about the Christmas fish dishes – these things are worth knowing


The fact that it is recommended to consume more fish is no longer surprising, and the information published on the official website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) shows that each Lithuanian consumes an average of 32 kg of fish this year, that is, fish from table 2, 1 times more often than in previous years.

A source of health

Fish is considered a food rich in protein and low in fat that benefits our health. Although different species of fish differ in the amount of fat in their meat, lean fish has a lower fat content than other foods of animal origin.

The fat composition of fish depends on their species, age, habitat, sexual cycle. Some fish show fluctuations in fat composition: 3-4-14-16% (herring), others 5-8% (most freshwater fish).

Based on fat content, fish is divided into lean (all cod, most sharks, tuna, pike), medium fat, and fatty (most herring, mackerel, and sardines). The fat content of the different species of fish can reach 27 or even 35% (eel, lamprey, Pacific herring). Sometimes these fish are divided into a group of especially fatty fish.

Fish is especially appreciated for the essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids they contain. According to a review of the scientific literature by foreign scientists this year, omega-3 fatty acids isolated from fish (eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and docosapentaenoic acid) are part of cell membranes and have antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer effects.

Reduces mortality

Studies have shown that eating 2 to 4 servings of fish per week reduces mortality from coronary and cardiovascular disease by 12% and 21%, respectively. However, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids obtained from food, but also to their ratio.

When we eat fish, we not only get fat, but also protein, the composition and content of which in fish depends on its species, place of residence, etc. factor. Some fish contain only 6-10% protein, others up to 24%. The human body absorbs up to 90-98 percent. of all fish proteins. In addition, the muscles of fish and aquatic animals contain a small amount of connective tissue (up to 4% on average), which is easily hydrolyzed during heat treatment, resulting in soft, easy-to-chew and easy-to-chew products. to digest.

Fish peptides have been found to have hypocholesterolemic effects and may be beneficial to health by lowering blood cholesterol levels, which helps prevent circulatory system diseases such as arteriosclerosis. As with any food, the nutritional value of fish depends not only on its chemical composition, but also on the proportion of beneficial elements (amino acids, especially essential ones, that the human body receives only through food, etc.).

Best: clean water fish

When you eat fish, the human body also receives essential amino acids. Fish is also valuable for the amino acid taurine it contains. Taurine is believed to participate in the synthesis of bile acids, lipid metabolism processes, and is important for the proper maintenance of calcium levels and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

By eating fish, the human body also receives various vitamins and minerals: vitamin D and A, vitamin B12, choline (often equivalent to vitamin B4), iodine, selenium, calcium, and phosphorus.

However, fish tend to accumulate contaminants of organic and inorganic origin. Even the most beneficial fish will not improve health if it contains higher amounts of cadmium, mercury, chlorine compounds, dioxins, etc. Most of the heavy metals have been found to accumulate in fatty and bottom dwelling marine fish: swordfish, sharks, tuna (mainly mercury) and cuttlefish, squid – cadmium.

Sailfish, perch, hake, and lake trout tend to accumulate more mercury than other fish. It is not recommended to eat fish to pregnant women, children, the elderly, the sick. The safest fish are considered to be those that live in oceans, clean lakes or rivers that have no sources of pollution (no sewers, domestic and storm drains, ports, oil rigs, etc.).

How to distinguish fresh fish

When choosing a fish, you should also pay attention to its freshness. Some pelagic fish have higher levels of the free amino acid histidine in their muscle tissue. If the fish is kept in unsuitable conditions, microorganisms begin to multiply in it, which convert this amino acid into the biogenic amine histamine.

Fresh fish is the most valuable. When choosing fresh fish, attention should be paid not only to its nutritional value but also to its quality: if properly refrigerated, the pigmentation of the skin is bright, changes color (except redfish) or milky yellow (opalescent); no discoloration; raised (bulging) eyes, black, bright pupil, transparent cornea; gills – bright colors, mucous.

Aušra Šipailienė, Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology (KTU CTF).
