Epidemiologists removed Dust for the effort to track and isolate COVID-19 patients in 48 hours.


The incumbent minister emphasized that it now takes 3 to 4 days to investigate cases, which should not be the case. Therefore, one of the necessary indicators to achieve is the identification, location and isolation of sick people within 48 hours.

Among other things, he emphasized the need for a general review of the work of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) to be able to focus on the most effective work, such as no more contact if it lasts more than 36-48 hours, as this loses sense.

Capacity is sufficient, but information lags

For her part, Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the NVSC, stated that the desire to investigate cases within such a specific time has been known for a long time, but is hampered by entirely different problems.

This is a goal that is in line with the recommendations of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control: identify, trace, trace and isolate infected people as soon as possible, as it is the only way to break the chain of transmission. . However, it is not the case that this process depends exclusively on NVSC ”, he told the portal.

Rolanda Lingienė (photo photo day)

According to the interlocutor, the current capabilities of the NVSC, with the help of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, the business initiative “Let’s Overcome Together” and other organizations, allow to identify cases, interview them, carry out complete epidemiological diagnoses and isolate in 24-48 hours. .

In this sense, our capacity is sufficient for the moment, but it does not allow us to solve the problem in principle. The problem is that we do not obtain some of the contact information of the infected, which means that if we do not obtain the information in every possible way, we do not communicate.

Epidemiologists should have every opportunity to do their job, not to make calls to health centers and things like that, “he said.

Rope logistics

According to R. Lingienė, those 48 hours. the maximum investigation period is implemented if it is only the time when the NVSC reaches the investigation results.

“As I understand it, the Minister had in mind that the process should take as long as a person feels the symptoms and requests an investigation. However, to achieve this, first of all it is necessary to manage the entire logistics chain, which is currently quite disturbed, ”he said.

The NVSC representative did not hide that, obviously, in some territories of the country, a person can register at a mobile point to investigate and receive a response only after 2-3 days.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It all depends a lot on the municipalities, the points they manage and the capacity. Therefore, they still have to guarantee the number of points and the bandwidth that meets the needs,” emphasized R. Lingienė.

Mobile point (photo vilnius.lt)

Laboratory research stands

According to her, not only the capacity of the mobile points is important, but also the logistics between the laboratories are arranged.

“Now we really have a lot of cases where the labs get too much research and just ‘stick with it.’ And only then, after investigating and operationally entering the data in e. health, which is also stagnant, these cases come to us. And after receiving the contacts, we enter the mentioned investigation period, but unfortunately this no longer has the desired effect, when the person is waiting for the result of the investigation only for a few days ”, explained the epidemiologist.

R. Lingienė regretted that often until a person receives a positive response to the PCR test, they have infected their co-workers, family members and other people: other people:

“So there are already tertiary cases, it’s 48 hours. The period is critical and very important. “

At the same time, he pointed out that there should be a stricter monitoring of the entire process, the coordinator, so that in case of a problem, it can be quickly solved in the corresponding chain.

The main objectives of managing Covid-19

The portal tv3.lt recalls that on the day of his appointment as minister, A. Dulkys mentioned that the other two most important objectives in managing the pandemic would be the following:

“Without reducing the scope of testing, the number of positive tests should not exceed 5% of the total number of tests. We now have a threatening situation where it is above 20%. Consequently, we will do our best to ensure that the number of cases per day does not exceed 200. (…)

We will also do our best to prevent 100 people from infecting another 100 people. This means that the reproduction rate of the active virus R should not exceed 1. It is currently between 1.2 and 1.3. It is the totality of these three goals, combined in one message, would be our goal and it should be achieved together, ”said A. Dulkys on Friday.

According to him, even after achieving the stated objectives, it will certainly not be possible to say that the virus has been controlled, but that it is at least returning to a situation that can be controlled.

The portal tv3.lt recalls that on Sunday night the Government unanimously approved the new restrictions, which will take effect as soon as Tuesday night ends and begins on Wednesday. Among the new restrictions is a ban on leaving your home unless you have to work, bury something or buy food. The operation of non-food stores will also be prohibited, with the exception of online sales. The quarantine runs until January 31.

These restrictions were further clarified on Monday.

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