Try to compensate or regulate the flows: some operators will be open until midnight today Business


All major building materials, repair and garden supply stores, which will close their doors on Wednesday due to a stricter quarantine, have decided to extend their opening hours to Mondays and Tuesdays. Traders open their doors from 7 to 8 a.m. and close at 9 p.m.

The opening hours of all Moki veži stores have been extended by one hour; large stores will work up to 21 hours, smaller ones, up to 20 hours. at 7pm.

Please note that the opening hours of the following stores will change on December 14 and 15: ➡️ in Vilnius (P. Lukšio st., …

Posted by Senukai on Monday, December 14, 2020

On Senukai’s Facebook page it is announced that working hours are also being extended: some stores open from 8 am to 11 pm, others from 8 am to 9 pm.



And the Depo has been working the longest of all for the past two days: it opens its doors even at 7am and closes only at midnight.

15 minutes Photographers have already captured crowds of residents flocking to stores before the bans went into effect Monday; it is difficult to find a free space in the parking lots and crowds of shoppers can be seen at the entrances.

It states that it follows the recommendation of the Government

Decisions by retail chains to extend working hours have also angered well-known public figures who urge Facebook residents not to flock to stores.

“Even in the face of a disaster, merchants play double games: they urge people to be vigilant and not go to the stores, but they force discounts on Christmas cakes or extend the hours of today’s stores. And it works: this one night we will see action worthy of King’s novels in the shopping centers. And you understand that almost nobody here will help, “wrote journalist Andrius Tapinas on Facebook.

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Andrius Tapinas

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Andrius Tapinas

Meanwhile, traders claim to have extended working hours following a government recommendation and dissipating flows.

Rūta Vainienė, Director of the Lithuanian Trade Association 15 minutes stated that he could not comment on the decisions of individual companies, but pointed out that the quarantine order contained a recommendation to traders to extend working hours.

“There is a recommendation in the legal act, but the decisions are made by each trader individually and we, the association, do not evaluate them, we do not discuss them or coordinate them”, emphasized R. Vainienė.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Rūta Vainienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Rūta Vainienė

Eglė Gružauskienė, Marketing Director of Makveža, the company that runs the retail chain Moki Veži 15 minutes He also claimed that the company had extended working hours in response to a recommendation from the Government.

“In order for customers to be able to shop safely in stores before closing and in accordance with the recommendation adopted by the Government, we have extended the working hours by one hour in all Moki veži stores,” said a representative of the retail chain.

Experts: people must understand that the situation is serious

Medical experts are not committing to assess the merchants’ decision to extend working hours before the bans go into effect, but rather appeal to the conscience of the residents who besieged the stores.

“Our group of experts believes that any meeting point if there are people nearby is associated with a greater epidemiological risk. It would be better for the Lithuanian people to understand that 30 people die every day from COVID-19 and that there are as few deaths as possible, it is necessary to limit their contacts. I think people should understand that the risk is very high and the situation is very serious. ” 15 minutes Professor Vytautas Kasiulevičius said.

It would be better for the Lithuanian people to understand that 30 people die every day from COVID-19, emphasized prof. V. Kasiulevičius.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min / Vytautas Kasiulevičius

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min / Vytautas Kasiulevičius

Meanwhile, Professor Saulius Čaplinskas 15 minutes He highlighted the lack of information for the population.

“Is the virus spreading because people go to the store or because they are behaving unsafe? When will it be safest? When will you have more space, more time, bigger spaces? Those who make the decision must explain it. If it says what should be done, then it should explain why it should be done. If we see that people are not behaving as we expected, we should think about what the people who made the decision did not do and not say that people do not understand. First of all, it is necessary to communicate ”, emphasized the expert.

According to Statistics from Lithuania, 1432 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania last day. Another 38 people died. 96,452 COVID-19 cases were confirmed in the country. 41,665 people recovered from the disease and 53,501 from the disease.

The government decided on Sunday to tighten the quarantine and close most of the country’s stores as of Wednesday, December 16, with only food, pharmacy, veterinary, optical and orthopedic stores open. Only grocery stores will operate in markets and other public outlets.
