Commercial companies accumulated the largest tax arrears


Vladimir Ivanovo (VŽ) nuotr.

On Monday, the State Tax Inspectorate published a list of 1,085 companies affected by COVID-19 that use tax aid and have not paid more than 100,000 euros in taxes.

The section “List requested by the Head of the Seimas BFK” has been added with a new comment.

In total, these companies paid 582.2 million to this year’s budget. EUR, and its total tax arrears amount to € 528.9 million. EUR.

Most of the tax arrears were accumulated by the UAB Bennet dealer alcohol trade (EUR 19.9 million), the UAB Autobrava car trade (EUR 16.8 million), the AB Lytagra agricultural machinery trade (EUR 11 ,2 millions). ), UAB Nekilnojamojo turto valdymas commercial real estate development (9.9 million euros) and UAB Ardovitė vehicle trade (6.7 million euros).

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The list will be updated every Monday

The full list, which is posted on the STI website, will be updated every Monday.

On the list, December 14. According to 2020 data, there are 1,085 companies for which only non-confidential information is published: the name of the company, its code, the total amount of tax arrears (when a tax loan contract has been concluded) and the amount of the taxes paid by the company in 2020 and 2019.

“We observe that companies that have suffered COVID-19, even in the case of tax arrears, are considered indebted to the budget and the information published does not affect their activities or participation in public procurement,” quotes Rasa Virvilienė, STI the report. Director of the Legal Department.

Paid one euro and postponed another

The STI notes that the companies affected by the pandemic, whose arrears exceed 100,000 euros, paid 582.2 million LTL to the budget this year. EUR, and his total back taxes – 528.9 million. EUR.

Here the TOP 500 of the companies that pay the most to the budget are constantly published and updated.

The STI recalls that more than 62,000 companies are included in the lists of victims of COVID-19, of which approximately one in three (about 22,000) uses the fiscal aid measures provided by the STI. In total, companies with the negative consequences of COVID-19 have accumulated close to 735.1 million. Tax arrears in euros.

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The head of the Seimas BFK requested the list

VŽ wrote that last week there was a discussion in the Seimas about whether taxes were reasonably deferred for some companies, including large taxpayers, during the pandemic. In addition, the National Audit Office (NAO) noted that some companies identified by the STI as unaffected received state support for the business affected by the coronavirus crisis through Invega.

Mykolas Majauskas, chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, asked the STI to publish the list of companies affected by the coronavirus crisis that cannot pay taxes on time.

M. Majauskas reiterates that only “transparency and publicity” can clear up doubts.

M. Majauskas stated on Monday that on December 1. In the summary submitted to the commission, the total amount of arrears for the top 20 CTI debtors was LTL 158 million. EUR. It’s 15min. indicated that the request to the STI to make this list public had reduced the total amount by approximately € 39 million. EUR, up to 119 million. Eur and that three of these twenty companies “fully complied with the STI.”

The lawyers and tax experts interviewed by VŽ stated that the publication of such lists would violate the principle of confidentiality of information on taxpayers, but should not affect the participation of companies in public procurement.

The STI indicated that the total tax arrears of half of the taxpayers subject to tax aid measures does not reach 1,000 euros. Only 1% of companies have arrears greater than 0.5 million. Eur and this represents 54% of the total back taxes.

Taxes accrued before this date will be exempted from default interest and suspension of tax recovery actions. meter. December 31, 2006 and will remain in effect for an additional two months thereafter. Until February 28 of next year. Companies have the right to enter into an interest-free tax loan contract through a simplified procedure and under certain conditions.

From March 16. 2,000 tax loan agreements have already been signed with companies and individuals, 131.2 million. Amount in euros.

If the new government allowed the companies most affected by the coronavirus crisis to benefit from this benefit again, there could be about 35,000 such clients, according to the STI, instead of the current 62,000.

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