BNK’s Belarusian company stops cargo handling in Klaipda


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Klaipdos Nafta (KN) reports that BNK (UK) Limited, owned by ZAT Belaruskaja nephtenaja campaign (BNK), the largest exporter of Belarusian petroleum products, suspends trade in petroleum products indefinitely through the KN oil terminal in Klaipda.

Complemented by M. Navikokomarius, Director of Commerce of the CN

Oil products that were previously sold will continue to be loaded at Klaipda.

As reported by the client in the CN, the client indicated that it would inform immediately when the trade in petroleum products was completely resumed.

According to Mindaugas Navikas, director of KN Commerce, the customer’s decisions are probably not dictated by economic logic but political.

Judging from the economic arguments, the infrastructure in Klaipda is the most favorable Belarusian oil product for export or, if necessary, import. We are currently working with our customers in Belarus on a regular basis and have planned the loading for the near future.

However, we understand that customer decisions are likely not dictated by economic but political logic, which we cannot control. We carefully appreciate the information we have received from Belarus this year and adapt our business plans accordingly by diversifying our activities, expanding our services and our customer base, says M. Navikas.

It is clear that A. Lukashenko, in response to the Lithuanian sanctions, is saying that Belarus will refuse to use Lithuanian ports for the export of its products, through which mainly petroleum products and potassium salt are imported. .

The CN report states that the uncertainty surrounding the trade in petroleum products could have a negative impact on the company’s position in 2021. results.

According to the head of trade of the CN, taking into account the uncertainty of the situation in Belarus this year, in 2020. KN has dedicated a new business opportunity to search. Among these petroleum product storage services, demand grew significantly this year due to the pandemic situation caused by the coronavirus and oil refining historians.

In 2020, KN was able to successfully respond to changing customer needs and offer the possibility to store petroleum products. We also see increased demand for oil terminal capacity for product leasing and storage under long-term contracts. Currently, we have already entered into various agreements for this service, including gasoline tank leasing agreements, which will allow us to operate the existing infrastructure. We see this as a fairly stable alternative to handling light petroleum products, emphasizes M. Navikas.

Along with the development of oil storage services and growing demand, the company plans to expand the scope of ship-to-ship handling operations using the flexibility of managed infrastructure.

Our competitive advantage is that we are a multimodal terminal where petroleum products can be loaded in both a complete vehicle and a complete vehicle. We are currently loading several different positions in the terminal, such as lean petroleum products, petrochemicals, and longer biofuels. In KN’s business strategy for 2030, we foresee a greater diversification of the portfolio of products and services to avoid the dominance of a client or a load, emphasizes the Commercial Director of CN.

In 9 months, KN ​​received 23.7 million LTL in the oil business segment. EUR (23.9 million euros per year), the adjusted net profit from these activities amounted to 6.7 million euros. EUR (EUR 7 million in the corresponding period 2019).

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