How life will change from Wednesday: the most important decisions –


The stricter quarantine will close most stores in Lithuania from Wednesday, except for groceries, will restrict people from leaving home without good reason, but will allow families to leave home to walk in open areas within the municipality. without knowing other people.

That decision was made by the government headed by Ingrida Šimonytė, which met in the first meeting on Sunday night.

The government circulated the decisions made during the meeting on the management of the COVID-19 pandemic:

COVID-19 pandemic management tools

The resolution takes effect as of 2020. December 16 00 hrs. The quarantine extends until 2021. January 31 24 hours

Movement within the country.
Effective 2020. December 16
Movement is allowed only when necessary.

It is allowed to leave the place of residence:
– on the way to work (for business purposes);
– owning a real estate object;
– funerals, for medical care and other essential services;
– walking in open spaces for no more than one family or one household member;
– people who are sick or unable to care for themselves

Movement within the country during the festive period from 2020. December 16 00 hrs. until 2021 January 3 24 hours The exit of people outside the territory of the municipality of their place of residence is restricted.

– in the event of the death of close relatives;
– carry out work when the place of employment is in another municipality;
– for essential medical care.

This restriction does not apply to people who move to a municipality other than the municipality of residence where they own real estate that they own.

Effective 2020. December 16
Communication only between individuals of a family or a household.
Close contacts of more than one family or household are not allowed.

– emergencies requiring assistance,
– care for people who are ill or who cannot take care of themselves.

Private celebrations in public and private spaces can only take place if there is not more than one family or household present.

Stores, markets, and other grocery stores.
Effective 2020. December 16
Only grocery stores will operate.
The operation of shops is prohibited, including shops in shopping and / or entertainment centers, markets and other public outlets.

The insurance does not apply to:
– shops whose main activity is the sale of food, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, optical items and orthopedic technical equipment, the sale of food in markets and other public points of sale;
– for online trading and when the goods are delivered to natural and legal persons or collected at the collection points.

In stores not prohibited:
– 10 m2 of commercial space must be provided per visitor or more than one person is not served at a time and other conditions established by the Statewide Emergency Operations Manual must be met

Effective 2020. December 16
Reduced contact services

It is prohibited to provide:
– beauty services
– other services whose provision is unavoidable the contact between the provider and the recipient;

Not prohibited:
– psychological assistance services that cannot be provided remotely.

In service points that are not prohibited, a service area of ​​10 m2 per visitor must be provided or more than one person is not served at a time, and other conditions established by the Emergency Operations Manual must be guaranteed to Statewide.

Premises for the provision of rental, sublet or loan accommodation services may only be used for the isolation of persons.

Effective 2020. December 16
There will only be distance learning
Preschool, pre-school and primary education is carried out remotely, except for educated children whose parents (adoptive parents, guardians) do not have the opportunity to work remotely.
Education in schools according to the primary, basic and secondary education programs is carried out at a distance, except for students educated in special schools and special classes.

Entry from abroad: Restrictions and procedures necessary for entry from abroad here.

Protective masks

Protective masks are mandatory in all public areas (for people from 6 years old). Exceptions apply to:

  • people when they play sports;
  • High-performance sports and physical activity specialists, high-performance sports and physical activity instructors and judges who participate in high-performance sports exercises or competitions;
  • during the provision of the service, when the service cannot be provided while the recipient of the service is wearing a mask;
  • people with disabilities who, due to their health, cannot wear masks or whose use could endanger the health of a person. These people are recommended to wear a face shield;
  • outside the place of residence (cities, towns, villages, single-family homes, gardener associations) and when there are no other people within a radius of 20 meters, except family members;
  • Children over 6 years of age who are educated in accordance with the preschool, preschool and primary education programs are not required to wear protective equipment (masks, respirators or other means) that cover the nose and mouth while in educational institutions and / or their territories.

The mask must be used in the common areas of the accommodation.

It is recommended to wear the mask at a private private party, if taking place, or when communicating with other family / household members.
