Much about coronavirus control: “It’s always easy to say backwards how to do things”


The guests of the TV3 program “Karštai su” will discuss this: the former Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga and member of the Health Affairs Committee of the Seimas, Linas Slušnys.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Much about coronavirus control: “It’s always easy to say backwards how to do things”

“Why don’t we close the country sooner?” Asked A. Veryga, host of the program and editor of the portal editor Artūras Anužis.

“It just came to our attention then. I will remind you that after the spring quarantine the government was cursed: to whom it was closed, to whom it destroyed everything, there was nothing here … Now, looking back, it seems logical that we had to do what we did in the spring, ”said Aurelijus Veryga.

Meanwhile, the other guest of the program L. Slušnys does not forgive the sharp critic A. Veryga: “It was a total disregard. Sorry, you are not an invertebrate, and if you are a politician, you must make bold decisions. You see the situation, the number of places in hospitals is decreasing, the number of diseases is increasing, the public can smell as much as they want, but we have to do whatever it takes. But only cosmetic decisions were made, “says L. Slušnys.

The opponent was not in debt either. There was a really heated debate.

“The saying that nobody did anything seems interesting. Many measures have been taken, a certain principle has been established. What’s more, you come up with a created structure, by solving certain things and saying that no one has taken anything. Only people who stood by and waited when they could come and “save” can do that, “A. Veryga replied to L. Slušnis.

However, as the situation with COVID in the country only deteriorates, the new government is taking new measures and hopes that they will help.

“In the spring and now, the perception of the situation is fundamentally different. There is almost no family without a COVID case. We can no longer deny this. Today, the human community itself is pushing to publish the quarantine. I hope after the last quarantine measures let us wake up and understand that this is serious ”, says L. Slušnys.

Former Health Minister A. Veryga says it is difficult to evaluate the new measures because they have not yet entered into force. “All measures are good if they are followed,” he added.

Why are some people still not complying with quarantine conditions and other serious problems? Today, 7:30 pm in the program “Caliente con” on TV3! You can also watch the program online: and through TV3 Play.
