A guy posing as a Žalgiris basketball player is closed for three months: the number of his deceived victims has been revealed | Names


After the story of the scammer who came up with the amazing trick, 15 minutes received a call. The girl who approached the newsroom assured that there are many more victims of this person than previously thought. One of them is herself, Cornelia (name changed, known to the editorial board).

Finding other girls was not easy, but not impossible either: the group that still exists on Facebook revealed a really large network. It is true that the 23-year-old did not introduce himself as an R. Jokubaitis basketball player; for some he revealed his real name, for others he said it was Rokas Lukoševičius.

How 15 minutes Said the girl, in general, the number of victims betrayed is much more than what is publicly spoken.

“This man attracted me 550 euros,” he admitted at the beginning of the conversation. According to Cornelia, they both met the suspect online in March. But soon the boy began to behave strangely.

Money attracted through CityBee

The guy who introduced himself as a basketball player from Žalgiris hinted that the team is currently participating in the CityBee competition. The girl, who had no doubts about it, decided to contribute to it.

“He asked me to record the data, and a week later I found out that I have a large debt in my name: 550 euros. It turns out that he drove about 2,500 kilometers in that car in almost a week,” Cornelia said.

She soon wrote to the suspect, but he assured her that he would pay for everything. “I told him I was going to go to the police and he assured me that he would contribute himself,” Cornelia said, adding that the guy soon blocked her on social media.

Thinking about how to get out of the situation and get her money back, Cornelia informed the boy’s mother via Facebook. “I wrote him what his son is doing, that I want to agree with the beautiful, I just want to get my money back. Facebook showed me that they saw my message, but they didn’t write anything to me, ”Cornelia said.

Later, according to the girl, the guy who turned her on again appeared on social media and asked not to write to her relatives. “Then I wrote again, and she asked again not to drag her mother into the whole situation and assured her that she had already contributed to the police,” the girl recalled.

And although she believed the situation would be resolved beautifully, Cornelia did not keep her promise when she arrived at the police station. He himself did not intend to give up.

“I saw that he was also interacting with other girls, I wrote to warn him, and in the end everything turned out in such a way that maybe 17 affected girls appeared”, the interlocutor did not hide his surprises.

The revived investigation sparked hope

By communicating with all the victims, Cornelia has tentatively estimated that the suitor will have appropriated some 30,000 of them. euros.

Still, the girl admitted that she is happy that things are going slowly, especially these days, when it seemed that there was an absolute stagnation in the study.

“Maybe it happened because he pretended to be a famous person. I myself have been involved in a police investigation for 8 months, the police are clearly silent, our investigator says the case should be closed soon.

Other girls only started investigating later, ”Cornelia said, adding that she was surprised that one girl had resolved the matter in a couple of days, while others had to wait so long.

When asked where a suitor to be a basketball player doesn’t spend his money, Cornelia said it was “Žalgiris” paraphernalia, computers, telephones and “CityBee” trips. “When I calculated how much money he had, I thought: maybe he saved it?

The grandmother asked for money for the funerals, the food, the mother’s surgery.

Cornelia 15 minutes reported that other girls agreed to share their stories. The girl saves all the stories in a single document and complements them each time a new victim appears.

We share them here:

“I am a victim of Edmund (name changed, known to the editorial board). He was able to give me 890 euros in no time. He had planned all this in a very twisted way, involving other people to be convincing.

It all started with an innocent date, which he planned to perfection, even offering to be friends on the same day. But at the same time, it all seemed too good to be true. For three days in a row: flowers, indescribable attention and beautiful words to earn my trust. He has created a story that he is from Žalgiris, he trains every day, he is quite often in Kaunas, even though he is from Vilnius.

Then he told such a story that he gave his car “Žalgiris” to the administrator, so now he has no one to drive with. It is said that CityBee cannot use it either, because Lietuvos Rytas supports this company, and it is from Žalgiris. Later he asked me to give him a car through my account. At the time it seemed reliable since he transferred the amount of money from the English bank, he showed me a copy. He later froze that account.

I didn’t know about those things at the time. Time passed, the amount grew, he kept looking for a way to get money from me: the puppies have no food, it is not good for him, he is an ambulance, he needs money for medicines, he does not have to eat … It was so good that even his license he had given to his parents. That he’s got a lot of money anyway, but he’s in trouble right now …

But after a while, the number of the cars increased, it seemed incredible that the producer took over the CityBee car and the car belonged to Edmund (name changed). He even wrote a letter on behalf of Paul Motiejūnas saying that it was all true. He really knew how to manipulate, it made me feel guilty for not trusting him when he was telling the truth.

Edmund had even placed the Žalgiris logos on the CityBee car to be convincing. Then he said that he would get my money back in 3 days, but the terms and stories kept changing, saying that “Žalgiris” would pay the full amount for it. And when I realized that everything he was saying was a hoax, I started to scoff that I wouldn’t find anything here and I would find out.

They gave me a deadline to return the money before the 20th, but it was already the 17th. He admitted that they would not return the money because the bailiff had discounted all the money, he had to go to London and solve the problems. Well this is a very shortened version, but I really feel cheated. For me, 890 euros is money and I would really like to get it back.

I don’t think he is the first victim because he is such a person: three steps ahead he thought about what to say and so on. Please help! I know he really plays basketball in Vilnius. And I don’t know of other activities. I have all the proof in this regard: invoices and SMS messages. Even the fact that you admit that you took the money and that you will return the amount. But everything he says is a lie. “

“My situation is very similar, only the amount is higher. Everything seemed like a dream. Promises, thanks, nice messages and more. Later, ask for money: starting with the food, ending with the funeral of the grandmother and subjects in which you cannot lie.

He then made transfers from Lloyds Bank in the UK. As I understand it, the orders were false. When asked why my order did not arrive, the excuses and discontent began, and they said that this was all a problem at the bank. I gave him time, I waited patiently. He can speak very well and convincingly, and he can also lie.

When I asked him about the return of the money, he ordered me to go to court, but said that he would not get the money back because he allegedly had no official income. And until the last day he asked for money, he added: I have no reason to cheat and this is the last request. He is a manipulator who knows how to use psychological violence. I really don’t expect that to happen to just me. “

“My story started with a dating app through which he started writing to me. I didn’t pay much attention to his posts, but then I noticed that he was writing very correctly (which is so rare these days). He took an interest in me and invited me to meet (even though I was away at the time).

He didn’t want to pay much attention, but in the early days he started telling himself that he was a police officer and that he would be accepted into the “Žalgiris” team, and he also sent some of his photos (one of them, wearing a vest ” Žalgiris “, the other, where he in a car in a police uniform). He said that due to the quarantine conditions, basketball players now do not receive much salary, so the project is being implemented with CityBee.

Sent an email. a screenshot of the coach’s letter, and there it was written that a project was underway: you had to gather 5 people and you would expect a big cash prize. He later innocently said that he was missing a person who would travel 150 km with CityBee. So why not help a young careerist? Without asking for any data. Ever wonder what use that machine is to you?

I was by the sea at the time, I apologized, and he himself offered to cover the mileage if I opened the car, sent a copy of the order from an English card with the amount of 200 euros. Good OK. I opened his profile car and he passed. Since her English bank card didn’t work, I even asked her for food and accommodation in Vilnius (because she supposedly lived in Kaunas).

It was the weekend, so I wasn’t making a living for the money, I thought, he did send bank statements after all, so the money from the foreign card could arrive on business day. But after a while I noticed that he was ordering too much, even eating to buy, complaining that he was starving.

After a couple of days driving on my own with CityBee, eating off my money, even one night without my money, I avoided helping him because he had already spent about € 300. Then he started asking for help in a very nosy way. “

“He was seduced by me just like the other girls, but he attracted the money by saying they needed it for his mother’s surgery, saying she was seriously ill. He was with me the whole time. It was said that he was working on the CityBee cars parked in the airport. In recent days, he has said that he has nowhere to live and lives at the airport. I work there myself and have never seen him. “

“My story is standard, only he introduced himself to me on behalf of Rokas Lukošius. He behaved very well and then began to borrow money. It seemed to me that a good man should not regret it. Then the CityBee lease began, the debts grew up and eventually 1.5 thousand. college. “

The suspect was detained for three months.

15 minutes contacted Julija Samorokovskaja, Vilnius County, to clarify the details. Head of the Communications Branch of the LSC, who admitted that he knew who he was talking about.

When asked why the scandalous story was resolved faster than all of this, Samorokovskaya said she had a simple explanation for it.

“If the girls wrote statements and the amount did not reach 10 thousand. The Territorial Police Station could also investigate their cases. Since in this case the amount had exceeded 10 thousand. The case was referred to a specialized unit and yesterday the guy was arrested.

Of course, if it turns out that statements have been made about the same guy at the police station, everything will be combined, there will be more damage and the issue will be resolved, “said the police representative.

According to her, 17 statements have currently been made to the police about this suspect, and on Sunday he was sentenced to the strictest arrest warrant: arrest for three months.
