A. Armonait: business support may be greater than planned


Aurin Armonait, Minister of Economy and Innovation. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

After the government quarantined on Sunday and closed most stores as of Wednesday, Economy and Innovation Minister Aurin Armonait says earlier and additional support measures are planned for the business. Merchant representatives say they want the same support as during the first quarantine.

The total package of aid for grants and soft loans in the state budget, which has lost 30% of its turnover, will amount to about 230 million LTL. Eur, but it may increase, said the minister.

230 million Eur will be mentioned in the budget, the following amount is foreseen. We will also assess whether additional assistance measures may still exist in the internal resources of the Ministry. We are still discussing, the tourism and catering sectors are particularly affected, so we will think and make decisions to help perhaps more, says BNS A. Armonait.

According to her, about 150 million. Eur, but maybe the amount is higher.

We will also evaluate the 30% of turnover criterion to make it easier for companies to obtain support but, on the other hand, not to abuse. We will prepare in those two days, says A. Armonait.

He also emphasized that payments to employers for downtime would continue, but the total amount would be specified by the Ministry of Social Security and Labor.

The companies will effectively receive all the aid, both those communicated by the previous Government and the complementary ones. Compensation for downtime remains and works, and our ministry will maintain subsidy schemes, loan schemes, and we will also consider, as there are no plans, additional measures, especially for severely affected sectors, proposed by the Minister of Economy and Innovation.

According to A. Armonaits, all business support measures must be coordinated with the European Commission (EC), which has not been done so far, so in the coming days he intends to speak with the vice president of the EC Vera Yurova so decisions are made faster.

We understand very well the consequences of today’s decision and will do everything possible to ensure that aid measures are taken as soon as possible, he summarized.

You want the same support

Rta Vainien, director of the Lithuanian Association of Business Companies, says that traders want the same support as during the first quarantine and after the lease of premises and compensation for downtime and deferral of payments.

Say A is waiting to be said and B is a business support plan. The members of the association were completely satisfied (during the spring of BNS quarantine) the compensation of the rent. This is a necessary dream for the merchant. It was a specific and effective support. We would think that it could still be valid in such a search format, only attracting all companies, for example, the Topo Center did not receive that support from the members of our association, Apanga, BNS said R. Vainien.

According to her, there is a balance left for this measure, like 40 million. 90 million euros are expected. EUR.

Another supporting measure is compensation for downtime and deferral of payments, as trade restrictions are equivalent to those in the spring, he added.

R. Vainien did not predict what the merchants’ losses would be due to the new cream.

Internet systems were developed in the spring and probably went live, R. Vainien said.

However, he noted that traders would be prohibited from traveling from one municipality to another.

For small and large companies

According to Vidmantas Januleviius, president of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, small and medium-sized companies need quick relief measures, such as deferred taxes, and large companies have access to capital.

Those financial assistance measures will need to be provided in the first place, and I thought that, like in the spring, the payment provisions and everything else that was quickly put in place would work better there. Due to all the other measures, we see that they are also effective and good, but they reach the final recipient and the final recipient in two to five months, BNS V. Januleviius said on Sunday.

I agree that the implementation of these measures should include additional costs for the new budget, which will be used to compensate small, micro and medium enterprises, he added.

According to V. Januleviius, large companies do not expect subsidies, but preferential loans and access to financing.

Loans, not in the form of high wages, but in the same way as state loans, should be. (…) Nobody says the need to subsidize, but at least give access to capital, he says.

In Lithuania, most stores will be closed from Wednesday, except for food stores, and the provision of contact services will be prohibited. Pharmacy, veterinary, optical and orthopedic hardware stores will continue to operate. They must contribute 10 square meters per person. tide. There will also be a place to remember merchandise online.

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