Residents of Pavilnis protest against the Rimi store they want to build –


We have already written this week that the construction of a new Rimi store on Džiaugsmo street is planned. It is planned to equip the object with a restaurant, pharmacy, 3 shops and a 1306 m2 shopping center, which will be used for the “Rimi” chain of stores.

However, the residents of Pavilniai started a protest action against the construction of this shopping center. According to residents, said shopping center is even four times larger than indicated in the General Plan of the City.

“It just came to our notice then. We will not deal with gifts, but with reducing the interests and appetite of the GIANT shopping center. As neighboring communities, we are against a 2,300 m2 store, and behind a 500 m2 store , unique and beautifully integrated, compatible with the environment that meets the needs of the community ”, says Justinas Gavėnas’ speech to the public.

The community of Vilnius Džiaugsmo and Svajos streets, which unites more than 70 residents, also addressed the management of RIMI in Sweden.

Neighbors have also requested the city council, which states that the area is adjacent to the main street, suitable for commerce and trade, so that such a change, in the opinion of municipal experts, is logical and fair.

“In accordance with the legislation, we are simply obliged to change the purpose for another possible one (according to the current territorial ordinance document, in this case according to the General Plan) within 5 business days after receiving the request. Of course, if the area is not suitable for this, for example, if we want to build an apartment building between one-room houses or similar, we take contradictory actions and sometimes we reach the courts. In this case, the desire to dispute the builder’s desire to build a commercial object, especially the indicators of the use of his plot (building density, intensity, height) close to the context, would not be argued; the territory, as mentioned above, is suitable for this. The change of purpose is carried out by the Municipality’s Land Management and Administration Department, considered in a joint meeting with the Chief Architect of the City Department, ”reads the official response of the Vilnius City Municipality to the community.
