The new government has taken office: it consulted health experts on Friday night and will meet on Sunday.


A press conference was discussed after the meeting.

“So that we can get the situation back under control at least for a visible time, then there will probably be comments,” said I. Šimonytė.

But before 7 p.m. It has been announced that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė will dedicate the meetings with the ministers on Saturday, and the first meeting of the Government on the management of the coronavirus pandemic is scheduled for Sunday.

As reported by the Government Press Service to the SNB, on Friday the Prime Minister attended a remote meeting with health experts and others on the first business day in the Government to discuss the situation with the management of the coronavirus.

Tomorrow, the Prime Minister will meet with ministers and prepare for the government meeting, which will take place on Sunday. It will address the problems of managing the pandemic, ”the government press service reported to BNS.

It is not ruled out that stricter quarantine measures will be introduced on Sunday.

“I’m not ruling out that I can’t say the weekend, no day,” I. Šimonytė said on Friday.

The restrictions, he said, will be aimed at making treatment facilities more resilient and reducing the number of COVID-19 cases.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys said at a press conference on Friday morning that the new government has several goals in the fight against the coronavirus.

First, according to A. Dulkis, the government will do everything possible to track the cases, and people who have contact would be isolated within 48 hours.

“Currently, the situation is such that it is done, in the best of cases, in 3-4 days. And you yourself have written more than once how many days are needed. That is the main objective, ”he said.

Also, according to A. Dulkis, the goal will be that without reducing the number of test volumes, there will be no more than 5 percent positive tests.

“We have a threatening situation at the moment, when this figure already exceeds 20%. We will do everything possible to ensure that the number of cases does not exceed 200 per day, “he said.

We will do our best to keep the number of cases per day at no more than 200.

Currently, more than 3,000 new cases are detected daily.

“We will do everything possible to prevent 100 people from infecting more than 100 people,” he said.

According to the future minister, until all this is achieved together, the coronavirus pandemic cannot be said to be under control.

VIDEO: Appointed Minister of Health A. Dulkys on plans to combat COVID-19
