Flying A. White – on beloved “Žalgiris” and M. Schiller’s non-American game | Euroleague


Athens is not what Aaron White saw in recent seasons when he visited one of the most popular basketball stadiums in Europe called OAKA.

The COVID-19 pandemic emptied the Greek capital, where only grocery stores operate, and there is no talk of spectators at mass events.

From home to gym and back: this is how Athens Panathinaika legionary A. White goes every day now.

The basketball player who has still played in Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Italy and Spain enjoys family company and the exceptional Greek climate, but has yet to experience the true spirit of Athens.

“I was very lucky,” White said, remembering all the stops in his career. 15 minutes. – I have been able to live with my family in many different European countries, get to know many different cultures and have different and interesting experiences. Athens is exceptional for the climate. I played in cold countries in the past, so it’s nice to experience the warmth of Athens.

My family and I can go for a walk, although the situation in Greece is difficult. The school is not open, there is no entertainment or activities in the city, so it is difficult for children. But I’m glad that my family is with me. If I were one, things would definitely get worse. In Russia, for example, players live alone, without family. I’m glad my family is in Athens, and when I come back after a match or training, I can spend time with them. “

The match against “Žalgiris” for Aaronas White, who spent two years in Kaunas, becomes exceptional not because of his emotional background, although he showed the best game of his career in the ranks of the Lithuanian champions under Šarūnas Jasikevičius, but because of the great stir in the ranks and in the media.

As the battle with “Žalgiris” approaches, A. White’s phone is flooded with messages from team fans and suggestions from Lithuanian journalists to speak.

A forward with big elastic legs is willing to share an interview, although 15 minutes It was already the third Lithuanian media outlet to address him with the desire to talk about the orange ball and the processes surrounding it.

“I love Žalgiris because I had a great time there. Kaunas and Lithuania mean a lot to me and my family. Lithuanian basketball fans still write or call me, and the uniqueness is that before the game with” Žalgiris “many people still write me or ask for an interview. But when the match starts, it will become another match “, 15 minutes White said.

VIDEO: UrBONUS: Žalgiris internal meeting, Sirvydis displeasure and emergency tomorrow

Šoklys still maintains contact with his former teammates in Lithuania and especially with Thomas Walkup, with whom he became close friends.

He plans to talk to the “Žalgiris” players before the start of the match and after the referee’s final whistle, but during the match, all thoughts are only about victory, which the Panathinaikos basketball players really need.

Žalgiris lost the last six games and fell to eleventh place in the Euroleague. Georgios Vovoro’s army erupted in Milan last week and approached the Kaunas team in victory: they are in 13th position.

“We are trying to get everything out of this situation,” said the basketball player about the game against COVID-19. – We enjoy the game and things are going well. We had great games and bad games, but overall, we are improving the game and improving. “

This season, A. White plays on average in the Euroleague after almost 21 minutes, wins after 7.2 points (69.6 percent double, 47.4 percent trit, 92.9 percent penalty), bounces after 3, 5 balls and accumulates 8.3 utility points.

On the website 15 minutes – Interview with Aaron White. On the new professional stage in Athens, the growth process of Panathinaika, the attention of the fans, the changes in Žalgiris and the work of Šarūnas Jasikevičius in Barcelona nuotr./Aaronas White'as nuotr./Aaronas White’as

– How strange it is to play in the empty arena of OAKA, which was filled with the biggest battles of the season and 19 thousand. army supporters?

– Very strange. I have played many times in Athens as a guest. It was a great pleasure to play in the presence of so many fans. I waited for this duel. When I signed a contract with Panathinaikos, I said that I was looking forward to the opportunity to perform in the full arena of OAKA, but the world dictated its terms. We have to accept that and adapt.

Maybe sometime in the season we will win back some fans? It would be great! If not, the most important thing is health and the reduction of positive cases of COVID-19. There are more important things in life than basketball.

We were lucky to be able to play and the fans were able to watch it at home on television. We need to follow protocol and keep to each other.

– Do Panathinaika fans actively support the club, even if they cannot watch the match live in the arena?

– They are very active on social networks. Write me on Instagram or Twitter accounts. When walking through a city or a store, you often have to meet fans who wish you success. Although the fans may not be in the game, Athens is a great basketball city, even in such living conditions. Panathinaika fans are great, thank you for your support.

– Where are you in the team building process now? How satisfied are you with the Panathinaikos game?

– We keep growing. We played well in Milan last week, we lost games like this in the past, but now we have made our way. Before Olympia, we also fell behind, but we kept fighting until the end and in the end we won. This time we are not going to break.

I believe that we must learn from the mistakes of the past and continue with the improvement process. We have to work. If we play the next game like in Milan, we will have a chance to win. nuotr./Aaronas White'as nuotr./Aaronas White’as

– The game in Milan was great and for you personally: 9 points, 10 rebounds and 18 utility points. Does such a match against a former team in which the career stage has not been successful bring extra joy?

– It was fun. In Milan last year we played against three from the current Panathinaika team: myself, Nemanja Nedovičius and Shelvinas Mackas. We were looking forward to this match. This was compounded by a match in Vilerbane two days ago, in which we failed. We wanted to get up and show our true face. It was a good victory because Olimpia have a great team this season. It really is a great victory for us.

– Behind the scenes of basketball, there is talk of a sharp reduction in the budget of Panathinaika. What are the objectives of the club officers this year?

– I do not know all the details, but I heard the drama that the president caused last summer. About giving too much money to the club, about wanting to get out of the Euroleague, etc. I don’t speak Greek, so I don’t follow the Greek press very much. I don’t know the details. Our team is young, we have 3-4 players with more experience in the Euroleague. We try to grow together, we have good players with great characters. We want to fight for victory in every game.

– Who is the head coach of the Georgios Vovoras team?

– This is his first season in the head coach chair, after many years as an assistant. He has a great knowledge of basketball, at a really high level. Ideas are good for achieving victory. He has an excellent knowledge of statistics and works diligently through video reviews. I like, I like working together. Basketball mind to work is fun. Everything is fine so far.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Aaron White

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Aaron White

– What impression does “Žalgiris” leave this season?

– They have a great team. He started the season with five wins and one loss. This absolutely surprised everyone. After the changes in the coaching headquarters, people did not know what to expect from “Žalgiris”, but the team had the same fighting spirit and hard play. There are a lot of men left in Kaunas from last season. Now they are losing, but that is normal in the Euroleague. All opponents are strong and every match is difficult. I think Žalgiris has a vision, I like that he sticks to the plan. I like his style of play and coach Martin Schiller does a great job.

– What are the biggest changes you see in the game of “Žalgiris”?

– I’m not in the locker room and I don’t know everything, but Shar and Schiller’s philosophies are really different. Žalgiris throws are now faster, the combinations are different. The Shar system was specific, changing naturally with the new strategist.

– As you mentioned, “Žalgiris” lost six matches in a row. In your experience, what is the most important thing to try to break such a dark stretch and get back on the road to victory? How not to break?

– They must stay together. There are failed sections everywhere, it was at Žalgiris or other stops in my career. The key is to stay in the grip and believe in what we do. This is how good teams behave. Don’t starve your fingers, as this creates anxiety in the locker room. Losses are part of our business, we need to learn from them and stick together. Losses are painful, but the series can turn upside down at any moment.

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Aaronas White and Šarūnas Jasikevičius

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Aaronas White and Šarūnas Jasikevičius

– Every person in Lithuania (fans, media, players) compares coach Martin Schiller with his predecessor Šarūnas Jasikevičius. Do you think this is correct?

– I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s normal. Shar has been a very successful coach, and when a great man leaves the club, it is normal for the heir to be compared to him and the work he has done.

I think you have to give the new coach time because he starts over with a white sheet of paper. We know that “Žalgiris” will no longer be the same as it was near Shar, but there are many ways to achieve this.

– Do you, as an American who plays in Europe and sees the two cuisines of world basketball, do you think that the American philosophy of Martin Schiller can be successful in the Old Continent?

– I don’t play for “Žalgiris” so I can’t be categorical about the coach’s philosophy. Maybe it’s not just the American style, but a mix of both sides because it comes from Germany and it worked in Europe?

I haven’t played professional basketball in America, so I don’t know enough about the philosophy of the game in the NBA or the G League.

But I know and understand European basketball well. I’ll say this: when I look at Žalgiris, I don’t see the American style of play. The coach has a different philosophy than Shar had, it is true, but in the game I see many typical tendencies of European basketball.

– Do you follow Šarūnas Jasikevičius’s work in Barcelona? Is Barcelona the main favorite for the title?

– If I follow you. I watch a lot of Euroleague matches. In this tournament, there is always an open race for the title, many tense matches. Barcelona recently lost to Olympiacos. They are still in the lead, but the season is long, so other things must also be favorable: health, useful opponents in the playoffs, because in the last four everything is determined by a game.

The season is long, but Barcelona are in a good position because of their coach and their line-up. We will see how they do it.
