The creators of the liars falsify the 15-minute news of the portal and thus try to sow a sense of fear


Editor: 15 minutes I never published such news

“I. Šimonytė supports mass vaccination against Covid even if the person does not agree. This will be ensured by the Military Police.” – On Wednesday, Facebook user Giedrius Sasnauskas, who claims to be a resident of Akmenė on his profile, shared a photo of the article with such a caption on your Facebook account, which is accessible to everyone.

15 minute fake title

15 minute fake title

The first commenter responded with an uncensored word addressed to Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonyte. But a few minutes later, a warning appeared between the comments – “False (liar. Past.). Don’t spread”, several others wrote the same. Few people seem to have realized this, as people not only remained outraged, but also rushed to share the photo.

In less than a day, 1.9 thousand people shared it. Facebook users. Only one of them doubted: “Somehow I don’t think, such a statement would have caused a scandal.” I thought you were smarter. Klydau. It’s a shame. “He replied:” I am not the author of that work, it is a good discussion for the Lithuanian population. “

No commenter pointed out that there were endless errors in the title. This alone should have called into question the authenticity of the “article”. The word “vaccination” is not written with a Y, the name of the disease is usually written COVID-19, a comma is needed before “even”, only a capital letter is needed in the name of the Military Police. Even a colon helps, though journalists are advised to avoid punctuation, especially points, in college headlines. No heading ends with a period, it is a title, not a simple sentence.

Although the source of this “news” is not indicated, the image captured in the photo is very similar to the cover of the news portal 15min.

15 minutes I never published such news, – pointed out the temporary owner of the portal. Raimundas Celencevičius, Acting Editor. – That it is a forgery is also indicated by spelling errors and a period at the end of the name, which 15 minutes, nor in other portals.

It is difficult to say why people start creating such fakes and what they want to achieve with them. Perhaps you drown your fears or share your concern with others about the consequences of a pandemic.

Valdo Kopūstas / 15min photo / 15min editor-in-chief Raimundas Celencevičius

Valdo Kopūstas / 15min photo / 15min editor-in-chief Raimundas Celencevičius

Not only in this case, but also in other counterfeiters, scammers try unsuccessfully to use 15 minutes in the name of why 15 minutes it is a benchmark for quality media, a trusted source of news, with a particular focus on unmasking fake news and preventing misinformation. “

Outraged without even looking for the article

One of the people who shared the photo added the following comment (language not corrected – Past ed.): “Uoyyyy nymagu


Mr S, ladies and gentlemen, I have shared this because I am against any military dictatorship and coercion. I am for free will because I know what is best for me. If it is false, it is a pity that they are being created, because basically it does not differ from any other lie ”. By the way, this post has already been deleted, but it managed to receive 45 comments, it was shared almost 30 times.

The woman’s friends, without bothering to search for the article online and read it, were quick to voice their opinion. “Fallen from a tree?”, “The end of the world”, “Genocide”, “Opening of a concentration camp ????”, “Nothing more can be expected”, “Greater democracy in Belarus”, ” And if I resist, will he shoot me? ” And if I escape, will I look like a criminal? “,” I will resist, for nothing. The vaccine is a virus, ”he said angrily.

Only the seventeenth commenter warned: “This is FAKE NEWS, 15MIN did not write such an article.” Another noted that after downloading and zooming in on the lower left corner of the photo, you see a spatial mismatch. “Someone was working with a photo editing program,” he said.

One commenter questioned the authenticity of the “news” because he did not find anything similar in the search, although he easily found the adjacent article.

When someone became interested in the source of the information, the author of the publication wrote, realizing that it was 15 minutesAlthough where the photo was found, the item was reported to have been removed. The commenter who joined the discussion emphasized that there was no primary source and nobody deleted anything, because the title of the original article with the same photo of I. Šimonytė was different.

“As a similar work, writes the author, it took a few minutes to make this forgery (melagien – ed. Past) on the photo.” There are many other examples of how this is done, ”he explained, showing a higher quality forgery, a photo with a video supposedly posted on the portal 15 minutes ago, a robot bomb operating system installed in a British 5G vaccinated against COVID-19. It only takes a second to verify the authenticity of this headline – Google cannot find the article or video that contains it.

15 minute fake title

15 minute fake title

Flashing that it was just a lie, another commenter added a photo explaining: “Someone created this fake and it is spreading en masse. People get blindly stuck and share it without even trying to check if it’s true. I checked and there is no such Article “.

This fake header was created from 15 minutes published news “The first patient to be vaccinated against COVID-19 was 90 years old. pregnant grandmother“.

More and more counterfeits are spreading on social media 15 minutes headers. Here is the header below forged from 15 minutes published news “I.Šimonytė asked S.Svvernelis to tighten the quarantine, he does not agree: there are no rational proposals

15 minute fake title

15 minute fake title

Trying to create a sense of fear

“The chicken is carrying a fake moose, dozens of idiots are angry,” summed up one commenter without writing the words. “Panic, misinformation and criminal responsibility are provided by the ‘occultist’.

The founders of the Vatnik vaccine group announced Thursday that they had received at least 10 messages on the subject.

“What happened here? – They ask and respond rhetorically. – We see an article photographed on the phone, supposedly forcing us to get vaccinated. Photographed to create a sense of reality. When finished. screenshot like, then there are more suspicions that the photograph can be manipulated, and here the real photograph looks real. “

At the same time, it is reminded that no one will vaccinate by force. “Unless there are companies (like airlines) that will not be able to use the services for the safety of other users. But you will have a choice.”

The Military Police Law defines its competence as follows: “In carrying out the tasks and functions established by this Law, the Military Police has powers: in military territories and military transport – in relation to all persons; in other territories, with respect to soldiers, as well as with respect to persons who commit criminal offenses or other crimes against soldiers, national defense institutions, and property in their possession or use. “

Thus, the military police can take certain actions to prevent or report illicit acts and only in relation to military entities, objects and situations. “Vaccination is definitely not part of the military,” the group said, citing the wrong headline.

In the words of its initiators, ordinary citizens are the police, but it is said that no one will use violence. “What makes you think that the government will specifically harass the citizens of your country? Sad if people feel so insecure.

Write to your acquaintances who share this news, because destroying trust in Lithuanian institutions is serious business. People should not be afraid of its power, and it is the creators of such news who are trying to create a sense of fear. At the same time, the usual way of promoting health is becoming an ornament. “
