Biden’s son is also in the tax investigation


“I learned for the first time yesterday that the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware … is investigating my tax matters,” Hunter Biden said in a statement released by his father’s transition team.

“I take this matter very seriously, but I am convinced that a professional and objective review of these issues will demonstrate that I have handled my affairs in a legal and proper manner,” added Biden’s report.

It doesn’t go into details, but it could reignite Republican outrage at the Biden family, as well as at Biden’s business affairs and Biden’s anti-corruption pressure on Ukraine when he was vice president of the United States.

The report also marks a series of sensitive issues as the president-elect prepares to move into the White House in just over a month. It may be that your child is still under investigation by the United States Department of Justice at the time.

Mr. Biden, 50, is an attorney who founded consulting and investment firms. He has worked in the private equity field and has served on the boards of several organizations, including the national railroad corporation Amtrak.

Hunter’s second son, Hunter, was born in Wilmington, Delaware, where his father lives and is home to the president-elect’s transition team. Hunter’s brother, Beau Biden, a former Delaware attorney general, died of brain cancer in 2015.

D. Trump attacks

A report from the acquisition team, which commented on Biden, said that “President-elect Biden is very proud of his son, who has overcome difficult challenges, including angry personal attacks in recent months.”

The investigation was announced five days before the expected official Electoral College vote to elect Biden, who defeated President Donald Trump in the November 3 election.

The New York Times reported, according to anonymous sources informed about the investigation, that the investigation began in late 2018 and includes “potential criminal” tax law violations.

During his reelection campaign, Trump repeatedly accused Biden of having a “corrupt family” and a “criminal business.”

From 2014 to 2019, when his father was vice president, attorney and lobbyist for the United States, H. Biden served on the board of directors of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma.

Triden accuses Biden of trying to remove Ukraine’s chief prosecutor when he was deputy to President Barack Obama, thus protecting Burisma and his son from being investigated for corruption.

Biden has publicly acknowledged that he has indeed lobbied for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be removed, but the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have also called for his removal. This was not due to the Burisma investigation, but to the fact that the prosecutor was seen as an aggressive anti-corruption activist.

Since 2019, Trump and his Republican allies have been attacking Biden for his dealings with Ukraine and China. There have been unconfirmed reports that Biden’s laptop, which was left at a Delaware repair shop, contains incriminating data. No evidence of the crimes was revealed.

The New York Post wrote in October that the FBI had seized the laptop in December 2019.

Some Congressional Republicans this week asked current Attorney General William Barr to launch an independent investigation into Biden, who has admitted to addictions, even before Biden’s January 20 inauguration.

“That’s why Attorney General Barr needs to appoint Special Counsel Hunter Biden [veiklai] House Buck, a member of the House of Representatives, wrote on Twitter after announcing a tax investigation on Twitter.

“It would be extremely inappropriate for his father’s attorney general to be involved in the case,” he added.

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