On Tuesday 3,128 cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed, 31 mogus mir


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

3,128 new coronavirus cases were confirmed Tuesday, with 31 deaths from COVID-19, the Statistics Department reported Wednesday.

Aggregate on dead and newly acquired companies

This is the highest number of new confirmed cases per day since the start of the pandemic.

The previous pair was hosted by 1,171 mogus.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 80,556 people have been infected by COVID-19, 45,798 are still ill, and 33,708 have recovered.

A total of 704 mons died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 348 infected died from other cases.

During the previous day, 11,729 people were tested for the suspected coronavirus, bringing the total number of people tested since the start of the pandemic to 1,357,723.

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Ligoninse for 2,100 COVID-19 patients

The hospital treated 2,122 COVID-19 patients, 163 in resuscitation.

Oxygen is required for 1,161 patients, 99 monms have artificial hair ventilation.

approximately half of hospital beds are currently occupied: from 8,488 to 16,639.

I 672 resuscitation beds occupied more than half of 395. I 624 beds, which can be subjected to artificial hair ventilation, occupied 246 and 6,289 beds with oxygen occupied 2,371.

Mir 6099 met with mons

31 people died of coronavirus in the past year, they were between 60 and 99 years old, most of the deaths were recorded in Kaunas County, reports the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) on Wednesday.

13 deaths were confirmed in Kaunas County. these patients were aged between 60 and 99 years.

Four mons died in Vilnius county. They were between 70 and 99 years old.

Three deaths were recorded in Klaipda and Marijampolė counties. The dead were 6099 years old.

Two monkeys died in Taurags and Teli counties. They were between 70 and 99 years old.

In Alytus, Panevis, iauliai and Utena counties, only one death was recorded. These companies ranged from 60 to 89 years old.

There were interruptions in care institutions

New coronavirus outbreaks were detected in healthcare centers.

In 3128 new cases of infection, 73 were registered in the counties of Vilnius, 713 Kaunas, 419 iauli, 353 Klaipda, 242 Alytus, 184 Panevis, 126 Utena, 118 Teli, 112 Taurags and 106 Marijampols.

Another 24 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to be assigned to these cases will be identified after the epidemiological survey.

According to the NVSC, 1,480 cases are currently under epidemiological diagnosis

The circumstances of the infection of 218 companies are not reasonable.

A new outbreak was recorded at the Kartena Catholic Hospital in the Kretinga district at the Nursing and Maintenance Hospital. 11 cases of infection were confirmed, of which 10 patients and one worker.

Another new outbreak was registered at the Suwalki welfare home in Marijampolė district, where four cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed, as well as at the Marijampolė Rta patch line, where five cases of COVID-19 disease were confirmed.

New outbreaks were detected, in which two cases of coronavirus infection were recorded, in Josvaini Gymnasium in Kdaini district, Kaunas patch-childcare, Kdaini patch-barn in Aviliukas, Kaiiadori patch-in-kindle Radindulys, Kelms patch-in -kindle Klverstukas, Radvilikis patch-in-kindle Eglut.

During the last 32 days, cases of contagion were detected in the outbreak of the social residence of Zaras. 27 residents and five workers fell ill here. Currently, a total of 75 cases of infection are associated with the outbreak.

Another 13 cases of infection are related to the outbreak in Linkuva welfare homes operating in Pakruojis district. A total of 115 people fell ill here.

Seven new cases of coronavirus infection are associated with an outbreak at the Prien nursing home, where more than 40 cases of COVID-19 have been reported since mid-November.

In addition, new cases were confirmed in the nursing and supportive care department of Gargd Hospital, Klaipda Medical Nursing Hospital, iluts social service center, Kdaini Rytas Progymnasium.

Nine diseases were detected in the Raseini district at the head of the yarn producing mons. In total, more than 40 cases of infection have been reported since mid-November, including secondary cases.

COVID-19 cases related to outbreaks were also recorded in furniture manufacturing companies operating in Klaipda and Klaipda district, sewing companies operating in Klaipda district, and Vilkaviki, a bicycle manufacturing company operating in iauliai and an energy company operating in Vilnius.

At that time, cases of infection were recorded in Teli County, related to outbreaks in construction, as well as in the food production and clothing trade.

214 new cases were related to family outbreaks.

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