How much will we pay for electricity? Compare prices and plans of electricity providers Business


Currently, household electricity consumers in Lithuania are served and seven independent providers have submitted offers: Elektrum Lietuva, Enefit, Ignitis, Inregnum, Perlas Energija, Birštono Elektra and EGTO Energija.

Users can compare them on an electronic platform.

The price per kilowatt-hour is just one of the components of the bill

Although the price per kilowatt hour (kWh) in offers from different providers may differ from the second digit after the decimal point, there are still many more factors that determine which bill we will have in our hands at the end of the month, according to the report.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Electricity pole

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Electricity pole

For example, one of those components of the bill is a plan based on the volumes of electricity consumption and (or not) added subscription fees. And only the consumer can decide whether it will be worth choosing a lower price per kWh, but paying an additional monthly subscription fee of € 3.

Both fixed and variable costs can help you save

Another alternative that is offered to the population, which will also affect the final bill, is the possibility of choosing between fixed or variable price offers, when the latter is linked to price fluctuations at the Nord Pool power plant. By choosing a fixed price offer, a resident will pay the same for one kWh each month.

In addition, the amount of the fixed price will be determined by the duration of the contract: the longer you have a valid contract, the lower the price per kilowatt hour. Choosing a fixed price offer is one of the most reliable ways to ensure stable electricity bills for at least a while. This can be attractive to those who are strictly planning their monthly expenses.

“In the meantime, by choosing a variable price offer, you will pay for electricity as much as it costs in the exchange at that time. We have noticed that this offer is chosen mainly by those who want to get involved in managing electricity costs and tend save in the long run, ”said Vytenis Koryzna, CEO of Enefit, one of the independent electricity providers.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Plug

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Plug

Of course, vendor offers remain the option of choosing a rate for one or two time zones, which has already allowed many residents to control electricity consumption costs at least in part.

It should be remembered that the share of prices regulated by independent suppliers and competition is 39%, and the remaining 61%. They are regulated by the state. It is established by the state regulator, that is, the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT).

For 2021, the average regulated price component established for VERT is 6,756 ct / kWh without VAT. The regulated part of the price may differ in different offers, depending on the chosen consumption plan. However, regardless of which independent provider you choose, the regulated portion of the ESO price for the same plan will be the same.

“Returning to price as the most important criterion, it is obvious that which supplier offer will allow the greatest savings will depend mainly on the electricity consumption habits of a particular household,” said Renaldas Radvila, Director of Services at Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius (ESO ). .

He noted that the end user is not only competing for prices or consumption plans, but also for other value-added offers.
