Member of the Board of Health Experts: If this continues, the only way out is to completely stop life


The scientist claims that he never offered to judge a situation by a number, but this time that number is also a clear sign of a deteriorating situation.

“It is never necessary to analyze the situation in terms of a single number. But today’s 3128 cases are an eloquent prophet that the situation is only getting worse. History seems to repeat itself, after growing we have to calm down and then dance again. And here only the number of cases, which is already lower due to the test capacity situation.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius

Yes, it is possible to cancel this number as an exception, but in the last two months such exceptions have become the norm and then you just have to admit that it is not an exception, it is a property of the data. If we look at similar figures this week, the state of emergency and the total suspension of life will probably be the only way out, ”wrote a member of the Council of Health Experts on Facebook on Wednesday.

According to him, it is already necessary to talk about it, because the communication fiasco of the current Government has shown that the measures improperly communicated have the opposite effect.

“It must be said that this crisis was not prepared at all and apparently the first job for the new government will be to apologize for the mistakes of this government, to finally understand that we are a team and that to achieve the result we have to work together. that does not comply with them ”, he writes.

We remind you that the possible introduction of a state of emergency was also mentioned on Friday by the head of state Gitanas Nausėda.

In an interview with the news portal on Friday, the president stated that the council of health experts convened by him, which is being convened in the face of the “dramatic deterioration of the situation”, must present its conclusions on Sunday.

“I think we should also consider the state of emergency, because the situation is really bad. It is very worrying that, despite the tightening of quarantine and the sufficiently strict measures that we have used in the past, the result is not better. Furthermore, the situation is deteriorating, ”said the president.

A panel of health experts made suggestions Sunday, but there was no state of emergency among them. It was proposed to restrict contacts between people more strictly, stop the process of contact education, restrict the activities of commercial places. The government decided on Monday to toughen quarantine conditions starting Wednesday, but did not restrict contacts between the two households, instructing outlets to cut off traffic and restrict parking in parking lots.

VIDEO: 15/15: V. Andriukaitis on stricter quarantine and chances of getting vaccinated until New Year’s Eve
