Short signed a decree that COVID-19 vaccines would reach Americans first


It is unclear how this order will be implemented, as vaccine manufacturers have already signed agreements with other countries.

But it shows that the United States is concerned about a possible vaccine shortage, as the country aims to vaccinate tens of millions of people in the coming months. 100 million are to be vaccinated by the end of February. people and the whole country in June.

While Trump tried to portray his administration’s vaccine policy very optimistically during his presentation, President-elect Joe Biden spoke more restrained during the event, which took place at the same time.

Biden, who also introduced members of his healthcare team, warned that the distribution of vaccines to Americans would be “slow and stagnant” if Congress does not provide funding urgently.

Speaking from his headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden stressed that Congress must “complete the work that both parties are currently doing, or millions of Americans may have to wait more months to receive the vaccine.”

Biden also promised that his administration would provide at least 100 million euros in its first 100 business days. vaccinations This is a more moderate goal than the one proclaimed by Trump officials.

The president-elect, who previously announced that the nation’s top infectious disease specialist, Anthony Fauci, will be a member of his anti-COVID-19 team, said he would ask the world-renowned scientist to tell him what he “needs to know” in instead of what you “want to know”.

Fauci also attended Biden’s event remotely, and did not appear at Trump’s event.

Speaking at the “vaccine summit” at the White House, Trump reiterated his customary unsubstantiated allegations that he had been robbed of his 2020 election victory.

Mr. Biden will be sworn in on January 20.

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