E. Gudzinskaitė has been appointed director of the Migration Department for a second term


The Interior Ministry (MIA) informed BNS about this on Monday.

“Evelina Gudzinskaitė was appointed to the second term on November 23 this year for five years. The first term, according to the legal norms of the time, lasted four years,” said Božena Zaborovska-Zdanovič, representative of the Ministry of the Interior. .

When asked why the public had not yet been informed about the appointment of this manager, he stated that “the public was informed about the ongoing competition and the institution itself should have informed about the start of the second term.”

For his part, E. Gudzinskaitė told BNS that the institution did not think it was worth presenting this information separately.

“Nothing changes. The information has been updated online in my CV, and on the communication side, what message to send? We do not think it could be interesting or relevant to the public and it is worth publishing,” he said.

According to the ministry, the competition for the position was announced on June 22, with the participation of a total of six candidates.

According to the head of the Department of Migration, the contest consisted of two stages.

“The first stage is the evaluation of general management competencies – a special evaluation selection module for directors of institutions, in other words, the test is complex. And the second stage, if the first stage is passed, questions are asked and business interviews, ”said the head of the Migration Department.

According to the representative of the Ministry of the Interior, E. Gudzinskaitė is a competent administrator, under whose leadership the “performance indicators of the institution are obviously better”.

“The wait in queues has been reduced, a convenient registration system has been introduced and the territorial divisions of Kaunas, Kėdainiai, Tauragė, Šalčininkai and Vilnius of the Migration Department have been moved to new facilities. A year ago, the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS) was launched to provide electronic services to Lithuanian natural and legal persons and foreigners coming to Lithuania to live, work or otherwise, ”explained B. Zaborovska- Zdanovič.

However, Eimutis Misiūnas, a former Minister of the Interior, had a negative evaluation of the activities of the Head of the Migration Department. At that time, the Minister of the Interior had reproaches for lack of human resources, financial management, poorly evaluated and resolved problems of the department, operational communication with citizens and lack of strategic thinking.

The director of the Department of Migration appealed the negative assessment of the activity before the court. The latter reversed the assessment of E. Gudzinskaitė’s activities as unfounded and illegal.

E.Gudzinskaitė has headed the Migration Department since the end of 2016.

E. Gudzinskaitė has a Master of Laws from Vilnius University. She has worked in the Legal Relations and International Relations Division of the Migration Department, in 2008-2012 she worked as a legal expert at the Lithuanian National Information Center of the European Migration Network. In 2012, E. Gudzinskaitė was appointed Police Attaché at the Lithuanian Permanent Representation to the European Union (EU) and chaired the working groups of the Council of the EU during the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Before becoming head of the Migration Department, E. Gudzinskaitė headed the Legal and International Cooperation Division of this department and was the temporary head of this department for more than a year.
