By tightening the quarantine, residents are advised to leave only for important reasons


Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

Starting Wednesday, the quarantine conditions will be tightened: it is recommended to leave the place of residence only on the way to work, a place of commerce, due to medical care and other services, older students will study only remotely.

Also added about teleworking in private companies: explanation by S. Skvernelis.

The interim cabinet decided on Monday to extend the quarantine until the end of the year.

Close contacts between more than two families or households are prohibited, except in cases of urgency that require assistance, care for the sick, or unable to care for themselves.

It is also forbidden to hold private parties in public and private spaces if more than two families and / or households are involved and they are allowed for a maximum of 10 people.

State and municipal institutions and establishments will move to teleworking and customer service, except in cases where the corresponding functions must be carried out in the workplace.

At a remote press conference on Monday, Acting Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said a mandatory order to work remotely and serve clients of private sector companies will take effect on Wednesday, except in cases where employees cannot perform their functions remotely.

Supermarket flows in supermarkets will be more limited, stipulating that 15 m2 M. meters of retail space in less or 30 square meters. meters of area per visitor in large supermarkets, when the total commercial area is more than 10,000 square meters. meters.

Parking spaces adjacent to shops, supermarkets, markets and other public points of sale shall not exceed 20% of the total number of parking spaces for vehicles, excluding parking spaces for staff and vehicles for the disabled.

It is recommended not to carry out promotions, sales, discount hours in all stores, supermarkets, markets and other public points of sale and service points, which increase the flow of customers, increase the number of cash registers in operation to avoid more than 5 people in line, set longer work hours, visit stores per family member.

It is prohibited to rent, sublet or provide accommodation services for the organization of private events, celebrations or other meetings “.

Preschool, preschool and primary education will continue directly, but it is recommended that preschool and preschool educational institutions be attended only by children whose parents do not have the opportunity to work remotely.

Education in schools according to the primary and secondary education programs is carried out at a distance, except for pupils educated in special schools and special classes in general education schools.

Non-formal education for children is provided at a distance or suspended, as is non-formal adult education, with the exception of practical training in aviation, navigation and driving, as well as foreign language proficiency assessment examinations for people entering foreign higher education institutions.

Schools are encouraged to take student vacations early and post them from December 14 to January 3.

The duration of the quarantine has been extended until December 24 at 24:00, the ruling will take effect from Wednesday.

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