Liudas Mikalauskas: “P. Bingelis is dead. Who to blame? Ogi ourselves ”| Names


“Bingel died today … Who is to blame?” Ogi WE ARE ourselves. I say this from the heart because today it hurts a lot. We are to blame, because with our actions we have called others to act as well. Fearing not completing all the projects, spending the funds, achieving this year’s goals, transferring grants, acting, working, rushing to release the prime minister, making records, taking risks and not daring to sit for months.

We think that the audience would not survive without the art that we create, choose and risk the health of others. We have caused the Ministry of Culture to accept recommendations other than SAM, as if the nature of our work requires that more than ten people be allowed to work.

We tried to find additional office space by including “warehouses” so that only 10 square meters would be enough for one artist, and in the end we kept rehearsing in one space. In theaters, philharmonics, choirs, we sought and sought opportunities to work in jobs that required dozens of people in the same space. And I had to sit at home.

It was necessary because today it hurts! We act and with our actions we cause others to act. This is how the Kaunas choir acted to prepare the planned programs, to make recordings, because they are supposed to be necessary, otherwise it is not possible, because it will be incomprehensible.

How to use the remote control if others are working at full capacity. We could not adapt, we could not change the nature of work, we did not choose, we took risks.

There is no need for such a premiere, there is no need for such rehearsals, there is no need for such recordings for which today we do not have Peter Bingel. And we could stop, wait, and meet again after the pandemic to sing to packed rooms. Carmina Burana.

Photo by Alius Koroliovas / 15min / Liudas Mikalauskas, Jurgita Kupčinskienė and Petras Bingelis

Photo by Alius Koroliovas / 15min / Liudas Mikalauskas, Jurgita Kupčinskienė and Petras Bingelis

Everything will no longer be. I know there will be anger, there will be those who say that we have to show up to sing and dance anyway, but I’m really sorry today … And that’s not the end …

Rest in peace, dear Master, Kaunas and Lithuania are no longer without you ”, Liudas Mikalauskas accompanied the esteemed director on Facebook.

15 minutes Remember that the director of the choir and orchestra, pedagogue, political and public figure of the city of Lithuania and Kaunas, winner of the National Prize Petras Bingelis, passed away on Sunday. announces that P. Bingel was treated in the intensive care unit. He was initially treated at LSMU Kaunas Hospital and then transferred to a special resuscitation department of the Kaunas Clinics for COVID-19 patients.
