Avulis on the impact of the pandemic on the construction sector: no major changes yet


“There are no major changes in construction, real estate (business – ELTA) yet. If we look at statistically, in October more was sold in the Vilnius apartment market than in any other month this year. November is good enough too. People are not as scared as they are in the spring, and this is a very important factor, because when people are trapped in fear, they do nothing and then the whole economy suffers, ”A. Avulis told Knowledge Radio on Monday.

He added that there are some problems in the construction sector, but stressed that the state promises to make many investments next year, so the difficulties must be temporary.

There are some problems: labor shortages, some projects are suspended or stopped, but we know that next year the state promises a lot of investment, and if there are difficulties, they will be temporary, short-lived, not paralyzing or with catastrophic consequences. for our business ”.

The number of real estate sales transactions registered in October was the highest in recent years, while in November buyer activity slowed and fewer transactions were recorded, the Registry Center previously reported.

Avulis on the spread of COVID-19 in the country: the outgoing government does not want to take radical steps

Businessman Arvydas Avulis, chairman of the board of directors of real estate development company Hanner, says the outgoing government does not want to take radical measures to handle the coronavirus situation in the country.

“There has been enough communication that the virus is not very dangerous for the very young, threatening only those who had side ailments, diseases that are more threatening only for the elderly, and that the communication may have allowed people to look at everything. a little with your fingers.

On the other hand, we are now experiencing a change of government. And that government that is leaving may not be taking or not wanting to take radical steps. A new government could have been formed a little earlier. In such extraordinary conditions, a new government was formed a little faster and was able to make those difficult decisions, ”said A. Avulis on Žinių radijo’s“ Verslo position ”program.

He also criticized the Presidency for the slow approval of ministerial candidates.

“It seems a bit strange when the Presidency so thoroughly discusses the candidates for minister, but she herself does not see that she is trampling on the spot, everything is decided at the last minute, on the last day. It seems really strange. If we set high standards for others, we must always set the same requirements for ourselves, ”said A. Avulis.

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