Family accuses Panevėžys Hospital of childhood disability: “The fate of the three changed dramatically on the day of birth” | Lifetime


Because assisted reproductive procedures are expensive, the couple first went abroad to work to save money, then the woman underwent various procedures in Riga in order to get pregnant and have a baby. When Živilė got pregnant, the family was very happy, planning for the future, but according to them, the birthday turned into a real nightmare.

Parents feel completely shattered

Mark John, born in 2019, was a long-awaited and planned baby. Today, for a year and a half, the child does not walk, does not speak, does not see, suffers from epilepsy and many other health disorders that may have been caused by a late cesarean section.

Currently, the child is diagnosed with spasmodic quadriplegic cerebral palsy; mixed specific developmental disorders; severe intranatal asphyxia, other hydrocephalus; microcephaly; nutrient deficiency; anoxic brain injury; severe visual impairment in both eyes; astigmatism; other generalized (generalized) epilepsy and epileptic syndromes in refractory epilepsy.

They cannot speak of what Zivile and Egidijus have experienced without pain and tears. “Our baby was very expectant, but everything fell apart on the day of the birth. We went to Riga, Živilė got pregnant quickly, everything went well and the pregnancy was ideal: the baby grew up healthy. Živilė didn’t even go to work to carry the baby. , so only he would be fine.

They cannot talk about what Zivile and Egidijus have experienced without regret and crying.

When it was time to give birth, we arrived at the hospital and waited to go home with the baby. Of course, we feel the tension of what that delivery would be like or if everything would go well.

The petal was hooked up to a device that measured fetal heart tones, but around 1.30 p.m. The night suddenly there was a terrible commotion, the staff started looking for a surgeon, and I only managed to see how he was pulling the baby out surrounded. I realized that it was not clear what to expect if something bad had happened, ”Egidijus recalls.

An urgent cesarean section was performed on the pet – the baby was pulled out of the thick green amniotic fluid. He was born flaccid, breathless, cyanotic, and he poured copious amounts of green water into his mouth. The baby was intubated, aspirated; a large amount of raw content was received multiple times.

I think a timely cesarean could have saved the baby

The man says when he saw the baby an hour later: “The baby was almost blue, he was assessed on the APGAR scale with only 2–3–3 points and was soon taken to the Vilnius clinic in Santara.

The doctor from Panev médicožys explained to us that everything would be fine, that only an inspection took place here. However, when I found myself in Vilnius, the doctors could not believe how the baby was injured and how it could have happened.

We were told that we had not seen such a traumatized baby in forty years of practice. Three months later, when we returned home, we decided not to leave what we had experienced to fate. It can’t be the case that a former healthy child was born so crippled!

We found a lawyer and applied to the Republican Hospital of Public Institutions Panevėžys, and later to the State Service for Accreditation of Health Care Activities of the Ministry of Health, which found violations, “says Egidijus and mentions that he applied to television programs, the Ministry of health. The members of the Seimas and the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, did not receive any response.

At the moment, the child is in poor condition, suffers from many disorders, and his parents say that he has been without sleep for a year and a half, feeling completely devastated. “Now Markas Jonas is being treated for epilepsy in the Kaunas clinics, but the doctors do not promise anything good; his health is very serious and there may be no further medical treatment,” Egidijus said.

Photo from with baby.  Associative photo

Photo from with baby. Associative photo

The child’s mother, Živilė, adds that since the birth of her son she has been living in tension and anxiety throughout the year: “Now it seems that there is no more life, on the day of birth all our dreams fell apart.

In Vilnius we were told that our son would never walk, talk or sit; the child’s life was paralyzed. Ours as families, too. And the doctor who accepted our birth continues to work, alone in another city.

Now that we have the conclusions of the SAM State Accreditation Service for Sanitary Activities, the end of the proposal has come, because we have approached several institutions a little earlier, we have not received a response. If I had had a C-section earlier, maybe the baby could have been saved, it would have been born healthy. The operation was performed only at 1.30 am, when it was already at 11.30 pm. misinterpretation of the cardiotocogram and incorrect assessment of the situation.

It hurts me a lot to see how my son is suffering. That pain cannot be measured with money, because the child’s condition will not change, he will not recover, “said Živilė and assures that he did not receive an apology or help from Panevėžys Hospital.

He adds that he does not know and will not be able to recover from what he has experienced: “We will probably not recover while we are alive.”

The family adds that due to the long-awaited disability of the child, their own health has deteriorated, they have to visit doctors and psychologists.

Comment from family attorney Modesto Soup:

“The family applied to the State Service for Accreditation of Health Care Activities in the SAM. Although the Hospital of the Republican Public Institution Panevėžys conducted an internal audit and did not find any infraction, we received a report from the VASPVT stating that on June 21, 2019 “the obstetrician-gynecologist incorrectly assessed from 06.21.2019 at 23.30. fixed pathological cardiotocogram and emergency cesarean section started late ”and thereby violated (1) article 3 of the Law on Patient Rights and Compensation for Health Damages. 1 d. – the patient has the right to quality healthcare.

Consequently, the hospital doctor misinterpreted Ž. J. carried out by the CTG, that is, after 11:30 p.m. it was not considered pathological, so the decision to interrupt the cesarean delivery was taken very late, only on 06-22-2019 at 1.35 am. As a result, Mark Jonas developed severe intranatal asphyxia with particularly severe residual phenomena.

Now that we have received this and other data, we have approached the Patient Health Injury Commission, which will assess the case itself and the institution’s civil liability, and if the institution is found liable (guilty), only then it will be decided what amount of compensation is appropriate in this case. .

In my opinion, it is realistic for the body to be found guilty of the consequences for the child’s health. The case itself is exceptional, both clinically and legally, with especially serious negative consequences for the whole family, ”says the lawyer.

Comment from Vytautas Riaubiškis, communication specialist at the Republican Panevėžys Hospital public institution:

“The staff of the Republican Hospital Panevėžys deeply regrets the birth, during which pil. EM and Ž. J. gave birth to a disabled baby.

The hospital administration collaborates regularly with the competent authorities, who investigate such and similar cases in accordance with the procedure established by law. We live in a state governed by the rule of law, so as long as the investigation is ongoing and the competent authorities have not announced their verdict on this matter, the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys will not comment on these situations.

We understand the resentment of parents for this unpleasant incident, so with inappropriate comments we do not want to hurt parents, who are already having a very bad time. The hospital staff makes every effort to ensure that such events or similar events do not reoccur in the future.

We trust the authorities dealing with this case and hope for a fair solution. “
